✯ 19 ✯ Recognition

Start from the beginning

Should I just play along?

He wasn't waiting for an answer.

"No, that look...you do remember. They've just poisoned your mind," he laughed, but he looked angry.

He reached out and created a shield between his hand and my body.

His hand touched the shield and it cracked but it didn't disappear.

Shigaraki's smile faded quickly before reappearing.

"Is this your quirk? Creating shields?" he asked.

He retracted his hand and then touched the shield again.

Another crack.

"No, if it's this easy to defeat you couldn't have gotten into UA based solely on this," he said.

He retracted his hand and tried again.

A third crack.

An uncomfortable pain began to resonate in my stomach.

"Or maybe it's just my quirk," Shigaraki smirked.

He retracted his hand and tried again.

A fourth crack.

My stomach was burning with that same sensation it always did before my shields broke.

"You look uncomfortable. Is your shield about to break?" Shigaraki asked.

He pulled back and as he moved to reach out again a purple misty portal appeared.


"Shigaraki it's time to go. The police are almost here," Kurogiri said monotonously.

"If you tell anyone we were here I will find your family and kill them," Shigaraki threatened.

He stood up and smiled down at me.

"I'm sure we'll meet again soon," he said.

Kurogiri created a portal and they stepped through, disappearing into the purple mist.

I stayed still and kept my shield up afraid that he'd suddenly return. Eventually I made the shield disappear. I hugged my knees to my chest and lowered my head between my knees.

Did that actually just happen?

I felt panicked.

He almost broke my shield.

What would he have done after?

I could feel anxiety rising as I began hyperventilating. I felt a hand rubbing small circles on my back. I looked up only to see a hood figure. I yelped in shock and pushed myself against the wall. The person yelped and jumped back after I did. His hood fell and I recognized him instantly.

Tamaki Amajiki.

Amajiki is a tall young man, with rather pale skin. His ears are longer than most, their tips pointy and somewhat elf-like. He has messy, indigo hair, which sticks out behind his head, and thin, tired-looking eyes, partially covered by his bangs. His shoulders are usually hunched, and he avoids making eye-contact with people.

Amajiki's hero costume consists of a black bodysuit decorated with gold plating around the arms and shoulders. He dons a white tunic as well as a matching cape and hood that features more gold plating on the top of the hood. The cape connects to a scarf-like collar that features a silver mask on the front. He also sports a purple mask over his face as well as a matching purple carrier vest with red straps. He wears a mask over his eyes and is barefoot, which gives him more freedom when he's using his Quirk.

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