𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟓

Start from the beginning

He whistled awkwardly, to fill the silence. "That's what every beginner does, with time you'll be perfect."

I didn't feel better at his validation. I know he was only saying that to cheer me up and hopefully make me feel better at the crappy performance I had just put on. "You're only saying that because you have to." I mumbled, taking off my seatbelt and climbing out of the Jeep to give him the keys.

"i'm not, I mean you got the car back in one piece so that's an accomplishment, right?" He compromised, kissing my forehead and holding my hand. "But, maybe, for now we could leave the driving to me?"

"I was waiting for you to say that." I smiled, kissing his cheek.

We strolled into the apartment lobby, on the way to the elevator. "Hi, Henry."

He greeted us with a bright smile, keeping the elevator doors open for us. "Good afternoon, Carmen, Mr Galanis." He tipped his hat to Damian.

The doors closed and I turned to him, not happy. "It wouldn't hurt you to not be grumpy sometimes."

"I'm never grumpy, I'm the nicest person there is." His voice was coated with dry sarcasm.

Bruiser stood by the front door, panting and circling my legs, waiting to be shown affection. I crouched on the floor, playing with him and avoiding his licks. Damian clicked his fingers and Bruiser's ears snapped up.

"Bedroom, Bruiser." Bruiser whined but listened, the sound of his feet padding to Damian's bedroom getting further by the second. Damian took his shoes off and walked down the hallway, and the familiar dark room with minimal lighting soon came into my view.

He fell back onto the bed, propping himself up by the headboard before patting the spot next to him, looking at me. I walked round and lifted the covers, draping them over my body and snuggling up to Damian's side as he got under the comforter as well.

His finger trailed my scalp, tracing each individual hair in a rhythm that was threatening to put me to sleep, despite it only being four in the afternoon. "When's your birthday?" I asked when I realized I've never once heard Damian talk about his birthday before.

"The day I met you." He stated, not thinking much into it.

I sat up from the bed, placing one hand on his stomach to steady myself. "July 29th?" The day I moved in.

"When I called you a bitch, yes." He chuckled.

"How could you not tell me? How could Maikel not tell me? Why didn't you guys say anything when I saw you?" A million questions were racing through my head at this moment, everyone's birthday was special and it was his big twenty one! Surely, they must've gone out and celebrated or something.

Damian remained calm, although something turned somber in the mood. "Because, I don't celebrate it." He grit out.

"Why?" I stayed sitting up.

He hesitated, biting down on his jaw to debate whether he wanted to share more information with me. "It's the day my mother and father died."

My heart dropped. They died on the same day? I remember him mentioning that they died when he was young, but on his birthday? I reached out to stroke his face and he held my hand with his, looking at the floor. My sweet boy.

"She was on her way back home with the chain she brought for me when another car rammed into her, and she died on impact. They found the chain with the remains. My dad decided to commit suicide seven years later because he couldn't deal without her, coincidentally on the same day of my birthday and her death day. I only forgave him for that recently." He continued, each sentence shattering more of my heart.

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