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Before Sarawat could say anything tine punch him making him shoked as Everyone knows that tine is very sweet person who couldn't kill a ant

"What the hell is your problem tine!?"

Wat said as he get up from floor

"You lied to me your not Sarawat vachirawit you are guntithan fucking guntithan !!"

With that he left the place with so much angry that if it could kill the person wat was under the six feet by now

Same day at evening

"What's going on wat why did tine hit you and said your not vachirawit and who is this guntithan!?"

"That's my father's name I prefer my mom's name ...also his misunderstanding everything I can't explain everything to him even if I try he won't listen so just let it be!!!"

"Should I talk to him!?"

"His stubborn ...just let it go and I'm shifting in two days!!!"

"What!?? Why!?"

"Me staying with you could couse the problem in your relationship with type!!!"

Before thran could say anything wat left the room

Next day at University

Tine was in canteen with type both are silent for long time but type got irritated and said

"You have been pain in ass since you come back what's your problem!?"

"Nothing and leave me alone!!!"

Type sigh in loud and about to shout back he saw thran running their way

"Tine!!!!!! W wat!!!! H his.....ohh my lungsss.....fuuuu.....ahhh...his leaving the room I mean h his his shifting outside the dorm !!!"

Thran said between his pants and settled down in chair in front of them type pass him a glass of water which he drink in one go

"Relax man...take a breath first what's with people today!??"

"It's Sarawat his leaving the dorm !!!"

Both look at tine to see his reaction but the latter was unbothered

"You don't have anything to say!?"

Type ask with consent

"And why would I I don't see any reason!"

He said and get up to leave

"I thought you like him!?"

Type ask him in anger

"Mind your business type ....!"

Tine left the cafeteria making type hell sad thran worried and people in cafeteria shoked because this is the first time they saw tine talk so harshly with type on other days they are super sweet and clingy around eachother that people got wrong idea about their relationship

At class tine didn't talk to anyone as day pass they were about to leave wat come and start bugging him

"Hey !!! I'm thinking about getting drink or dinner !!! Are you interested!?"

Nothing comes on other side as he just pass him like he didn't exist

"How about cake !? Or ice cream!!?"

Still nothing

"Tine tipakorn !!! I'm talking to you!!!"

Tine stop in his place and turned around and shoot a glear at him

"I know I'm handsome you don't have to stare!!!!"

He wink at him others were shoked suprise and enjoying the show

"Fuck off!!!"

Tine said in low voice but the tone was so dangerous

"What if I don't want to!!?"

"Then I will make you ...and trust me it wasn't pleasent at all....!"

Tine walk away but wat follow him

At convenience store

"Excuse me!!! Do you have this!?"

Tine showed the picture off some book's to the person on billing counter and wait for the guy to left inside

"Are you stalking me!?"

He heard the voice he didn't wanna and ignore as usual

Wat come behind him

"I didn't know you need those!?"

Tine look at him and saw his holding the package off condoms

"Here is your books sir anything else!?"

"Ohh yeah those too my boyfriend like this flavor!!!"

Wat said as he put the condom packet in front off tine

"These are not mine and his not my boyfriend...just make my bill !!"

Tine get so angry he pay the bill and walk outside the store only to wat following him like lost puppy

"Baby please....!!!"

"Shut up!!!!!"

Tine shout out his lung making people around them look at him it's getting out off hand now because wat keeps making sence and try everything to make tines life worst he had enough of wats bullshit he finally bust in anger and kick wat in his stomach


"I warn you before ...this is last time ....get out of my life and don't you dare to show your fucking face to me .....ever again...."

Tine walk away from him but he was so angry at him he didn't saw the car coming to his way

With loud bang the car hit him he fly 15 feet away with nothing but darkness he close his eyes thinking this is how his gonna die

To be continued....

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