"Of course it's not. She's a liar. You've known my my whole life Ed, do you really think I would do that?" He asks. I must say, Jackson should go into acting because he's a great liar.

"No, but people always do things that they wouldn't usually." I can tell Ed us believing me more, but he wants to believe both of us. "Tell me the truth Meredith."

"He covered my mouth and kissed my neck, Ed. I've never been so violated before. Make him go away." I sob butting my face in his neck so I don't have to look at that monster. "Please, Ed. Why would I lie about this?" I beg crying more making myself hiccup from previous hyperventilation.

"I think you should go, Jackson." He says sternly.

"What?! You believe that girl over me? I thought we were friends." Now I'm not processing what they're saying, I can just eat it. It's more of background music to my thoughts. Both f Ed's other friends are at the scene as well now, listening in.

Both of Ed's muscular arms are holding me securely, one hand pressed rubbing my back soothingly.

"Whatever, I'm out of here." He huffs stomping down the stairs and out the front door, leaving it wide open.

"Oh my god, is Meredith okay?" one of the other men asks.

"She'll be okay, she just needs some rest." He says softly, not to disturb me.

"Olay, we'll get going. I'll call you later, Ed." they say beige leaving us and closing he door behind them. Without another word, Ed lifts me up and leads me to the bedroom where he rests me on the bed and tucks me in. I'm too emotionally drained to do anything.

"Do you need anything, honey?" He asks kissing my forehead.

"Just water. Then can you come lay with me?" I beg rolling to my side and pulling the large fluffy blanket to my chin to block out any little drafts of coldness. He leaves and in moments is back with me placing a glass on my side table. Climbing into bed next to me, he cuddles up to me making me feel at ease. That was one of the scariest things that's ever happened to me; not knowing if you're going to make it out okay.

I'm glad Ed was in the house. He would always be here when one of his friends is obviously, but it just makes me think. "I'm going to take karate." I state, the words slipping out before I could even think of what I was saying.

"Why karate? Why not a normal self defense class?" He asks with a normal tone making me jump a little. I didn't realize how close he was to my ear which made his volume a surprise.

"I don't know, it seems more colorful. Maybe I'll take boxing, even better; kick boxing. I just want to be able to punch him hard enough in the face to knock him out." I ramble on imagining beating Jackson up. It's gross enough for anyone to do that, but knowing that him and Ed were friends for so long and Ed didn't even know that that's the kind of person he is scares me. Anyone could have done that or be like that and you could never know until it's too late.

"I vote on kick boxing, but when would you go?" As I turn to my other side, I come face to face with him and rest my head of messed up hair on his chest.

"My schedule isn't that full, Ed. I have plenty of time. I just have a few days of work a week, some of your promotional things, then dates with you." I say sending a small reassuring smile to him even though he can't see my face when it's buried in his chest.

"Okay, I just don't want you getting over worked or over-filling your schedule." He says as I yawn and stretch my arms before returning them to Ed's laid out body.

"Ed, I don't have a busy schedule at all. I work much less then the average person." I reply grateful for his concern, but slightly annoyed because he, of all people, should know that I'm not busy.

"I know, Mere, I know. It's just that sometimes I feel overworked and that feeling sucks so I didn't want you feeling that way too."

"Okay, okay." I say letting my guard down. "Thanks, I'll sign up tomorrow. I just need to sleep off my horrible feeling right now." I huff relaxing my whole body and closing my eyes.

"Goodnight, Merebear. I'll deal with that asshole tomorrow. I love you."

"Love you too, Teddybear."


answer: Ed moved to London to start his musical career.

Question: What are Ed's four guitars names?

-Lloyd, Felix, Cyril, and Nigel

-Cara, Louis, Felix, and Smith

-Rosie, Hadley, Johnathan, and Callum

-Harrison, Lloyd, Marcel, and Samantha


Can someone please make me toast and send it to me or something because I'm too lazy but I'm also craving toast.

Love you all. -Hadleyxx

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