Chapter 62.

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A/N Sorry for the no update in a long time!!!! I was in New York meeting Joey Graceffa and Connor Franta and Shane Dawson at BookCon!!!!


"Waking up. Beside you, I'm a loaded gun. I can't contain this anymore, I'm all yours .I've got no control."    ~No Control- One Direction

Meredith's POV

Hearing three knocks at the door, I go to answer. I bolt down the stairs from my dance room and look through a tiny peep hole in the door that lets me see the people outside only to see three men, about my age. One has a long brown beard, one has blond hair up in a swirl, and the last with blond hair and a tint of orange-ish red hair.

All three of the men are wearing casual attire and don't look dressed or prepared to be selling anything to neither Ed nor I.

Skipping down the hall, I poke my head into the living room where I find Ed asleep. Gently poking his cheek, I wake him up. "Hey Teddy, who are those three guys at our door?" I ask softly because he just woke up and so the men wouldn't, somehow, hear me.

"Oh!" He says shooting up, completely ignoring the fact I was trying to be quiet. "Those are three old buddies from my hometown that came to visit London for the weekend, so I invited them over just for the day." He explains as I follow him back down the hall to the door.

"Okay, would they appreciate some cookies? I was just about to make a batch of chocolate chip ones and snicker doodles." I ask taking a left to enter the kitchen as we goes to open the door.

"Sounds good." He says just before answering the door.

"Ed!" I hear one voice yell extremely loudly. "Man we missed you so much."

"Missed you guys too." I can hear their conversation perfectly because I'm only a few feet away with just a single wall in between us and no door. Taking out all the ingredients and pots and trays for the cookies, I try making a lot of noise to tell the men that I am actually here. "Simon, Jacks, Andrew; come in and meet my girlfriend."

Moments later, the men come in looking straight at me. "Guys this is Meredith, Meredith  this is Simon, Jackson, and Andrew." He introduces. Jackson is the brunette with the beard, Simon is the blond ginger, and Andrew is the blond with the hair swirl.

I shake each of their hands after resting down the last pot on the island counter. "Nice to meet you, I'm just making some cookies you all can have later." I say with a warm smile. It's so much fun having people over when you have your own house rather than your family house.

"Really?! She makes cookies, is beautiful, and has an adorable accent? She's a keeper, Ed." The boy, Simon, says with wide amazement making my cheeks turn more red than a tomato.

"I know." Ed says as if he's won some sort of prize. Truthfully, he has. I consider myself a prize, I mean, who wouldn't want to have a Meredith?!

"Anyways, show us around." Jackson says. All four of them pile out of the room as I continue with the cookies. After about fifteen minutes, the two batches were set in the oven and I was now able to relax.

Just moments after sitting down on the couch, unaware of where the boys were, I get a phone call.

Sighing to myself, I answer it after seeing it was Jade. "Hey, what's up?" I ask immediately.

"He proposed!" She screams hurting my ears. Before I could even process what I was doing, I was screaming along with her.

"Ed!" I yell. Hearing feet running down the stairs, Ed arrives next to me with Andrew right behind him with looks of concern on their faces.

"Meredith, are you okay? Who are you on the phone with? Why were you screaming?"

"Olli proposed to Jade!" I yell still holding the phone to my ear.

"What! He told me he was doing that next week!" Ed exclaims angrily.

"Wait, you knew and you didn't tell me?" I ask getting just as frustrated as he.

"I thought you would tell Jade and so did Oliver because he told me not to tell you either." Ed says.

"Meredith wouldn't have told me!" Jade yells through the phone so Ed could clearly hear making us all laugh. "Whatever, I need to go! Call you later Mere."

"Yeah. Bye, Jade. And I better be one of your brides maids." I warn before hanging up. "Oh lord, I'm so happy for her."

"Yeah, we could tell. We though you were getting murdered. I came as back up incase the murderer knocked Ed out too." Andrew laughs as I flop back onto the couch.

"Sorry for that. Oh and I'll bring the cookies up to you in a minute. They should be done now." I reply before getting back up again and going to the kitchen while Ed and Andrew go back upstairs.

I pull both trays out of the oven and lay the cookies out on two separate large plates. There about 30 of each flavor which means there will defiantly be enough for all of them and more.

I go upstairs and find all four of the boys in the bedroom watching Ed and I's TV while sitting on the bed and talking. They're probably watching this TV because it's bigger and even better quality. "I come bearing gifts." I laugh walking in the door and placing the plates down on the bed in the middle of all of them/ "Enjoy."

"Thanks, Merebear." Ed says kissing me on the cheek before I bead back downstairs to leave Ed with his little reunion.


Answer: Ed's Zodiac sign in Aquarius.

<<Ed Trivia>>


What main reason(s) did Ed Sheeran move to London for? (Answers vary)




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