dark rooms

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i openend my eyes looking around in the dark hosptial room i was put in.

"your awake!" i heard a voice say to see bill turn the corner.

"yea..im fine." i replied

"what happenend?" i added.

"you were in a uhm..a coma"

"what? for how long?"

"10 weeks.."

"what? wheres tom? i said struggling to get up ripping the cords off of me.

"tom..about him." bill muttered.

"bill..what happenend." i sprung up from the hosptial bed and got changed infront of bill back into my clothes i didnt care i just wanted to see tom.

"he want on this spree of killing people for two weeks..mostly other gangs." bill continued.

"we havent seen him since, but i have an idea of where he might be."

i instantly walked over to bill overpowering him for the first time, grabbing him by his neck.

"where. TELL ME." i yelled before coming to realize what i was doing.

i let bill go and backed up. "im sorry."

bill rubbed his neck before saying

"he might be at our old lakehouse up north." he then wrote down the address and handed me his keys.

"if you find him, come get me." bill said.

i walked out of the hosptial nodding at bill before darting to bills car getting in and not even putting on my seatbelt. i started the car and threw it in reverse, quickly speeding down the road. after some time, i made it to the lake house.

i knocked on the large wooden door, no response. i wiggled the door knob but it was locked. i ran to a window and managed to open it and kick the screen out of it making my way inside.

"TOM!!" i called out.

i looked up the stairs to see tom standing next to them with frizzy hair puffy red eyes and he looked like he had gone through death. i looked down at the floor upstairs to see a gun next to toms foot i stared at him, tears forming in my eyes before i hugged him tightly. while kicking the gun down the stairs.

just then i felt him grab my face and kiss me while holding my waist, god was he amazing. he then picked me up and carried me to his room and grabbed my hand gently pulling me into the bathroom, locking the door behind us.
he turned on the shower and started to unbuckle his pants before grabbing my waist and pulling me close to him.

"im so sorry." tom whispered.

i hugged him tightly. "its okay."

he backed away and finished taking off his clothes. we both got in the shower, we took turns washing eachother, i heard tom laugh as he took the shampoo and put my hair into a weird shape, his laugh was so adorable. i rinsed out my hair and tried to mimic what he did to mine with his braids but it didnt work he laughed as i struggled to make his hair into a shape.

after the shower we threw our clothes on.

"hurry up tom we have to get bill."



"no no i cant see bill." tom said

"why not?" i questionend

"im not ready to face any of them after that."

"just talk to bill, please?"

"i cant.."

"nobody visted me besides bill and you right?"

"yea, why?" tom asked.

"so then just tell bill to go along with it and say you had me locked in this house or something then itll be ok" i said creating a plan.

"that might work." tom muttered.

"i know." i said moving my pointer finger to my head tapping it repeatly motioning how smart i was as a joke.

tom laughed a little before going back to being silent, i could tell he wasnt okay, so i distracted him with another question.

"tom youve never spoke german around me, why?"

tom shrugged. "i dont know."

"just tell me tom." i said while putting on my bra as he began buckling his pants.

"it just..brings up to much." tom said.

"like what?" i said softly putting on my shirt while helping him put his
hair to the side while he tied his headband on.

"my mom..i guess."

"you can talk to me tom, im done running i know what i want." i admitted making his eyes widen.

"what do you want then?"

"stop changing the subject tom, im serious." i said visibly getting more annoyed as i helped him try on another headband.

"well.." tom stuttered.

"tom im always going to be here for you." i said reassuring him.

"my mom and dad seperated when i was young my dad used to always hit on my mom.. he would sit on the couch drinking beers all day. me and bill never dared to step out of our rooms, my dad never liked that bill was more feminine like so i always purposely acted out to take the attention off him i guess."

i stood there gathering what tom had just told me. "im..im sorry tom."

"youre a great brother." i said as he finally chose a black bandana to wear as his headband.

"it doesnt feel like it." tom muttered.

"tom your not only a great brother your an amazing boyfriend a trusting band member and the most feared man in toyko so far. if i were you i would think about all of that before you say that."

tom huffed before saying "ok." clearly not liking the topic so i once again changed it.

"Ich liebe dich."
(i love you)
i said proudly.

tom cocked his head around and looked at me in the sweetest way.

"es tut mir alles leid, zara, du hast das nicht verdient, oder ich, bitte vergib mir eines tages." tom said with a thick accent.

"ok now i dont know what your saying."
i laughed.

"you will someday." tom said grabbing my arm leading me back to the car.

what do we think??? give me your honest opinion about this chapter, what should i include next??🤔 (if u want to know what tom said look it up its supposed to be a mystery)😗

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