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Anya's pov

Well...After papa read the letter he was thinking way too much and I got dizzy...he thought some stuff about dorm rooms and me having to go there but then he sent me to my room..and I could hear him and mama talking...they sounded panicky-ish..I wanna stay home with mama and papa...

Mama opens anyas bedroom door and walks in..

" should be getting to the sleep you have school tomorrow" she says smiling

*hm I can't believe she'll be off to a dorm next week..its gonna be so different not having her around the house as much..*Anya reads her mind

"Mama...what were you and papa talking about and..what's a dorm..and do I have to go away" I say looking at her

"Well..uhm you see a dorm is like a room in school where students stay..and in your school there are some special rules that must be have made dorms compulsory for all the students about your age.." mama replies calmly

"Anya doesn't wanna leave mama and papa" I say with a frown

"Don't worry..we aren't leaving you anywhere you will just be staying in a dorm at school and we can come there anytime we like...mama says to me joyfully

*I hope....although we haven't gotten the letter with any confirmation of the rules and regulations for visiting I hope that's the case* (Anya reads her mind)

I sit on my bed and mama sits beside me and embraces me in a hug

"Its okay.." she says patting my back and laying me down while tucking me in bed.."Goodnight Anya...Loid will be here to say Goodnight aswell" mama says getting up and leaving the room

"Goodnight mama" I reply

A few minutes later papa walks in not looking that serious and freaked out..actually he kinda looks cool and calm a bit....I guess?.....

"Hey....Anya..relax....I'm sure you'll be perfectly fine and ill make sure of get to sleep you don't want to be late do you?..also please ask Mr Henderson for the information and rules about the dorm...Goodnight" papa says looking at me

"Okii I will ask him...Goodnight papa" I say rolling around on the bed to find a comfy position to sleep in

*Alas there's nothing I can do about this..and if we resist sending her..they will kick her out of the school..and plus this can be a good opportunity for me..since I will visit her there and may get the chance to collect Intel about the school, Desmond and the didn't becky say something about roommates being mixed genders....although that seems wrong to do and I don't know why it feels...weird if I want to do this but its for the sake of the mission...I must make sure that Anya is roomed with Damian..this may be a new chance to get plan b on again hmm I'll report this to headquarters tomorrow* Anya is shocked reading his mind

ROOMMATES WITH SY-ON BOY NO WAY HE IS SO MEAN Anya doesn't like him...but its for the mission and to save the world so...if I must..Anya will save everyone and to do that I have to get along with him but the problem is HES A HUGE JERK AND A BIG MEANIE AAA

I think to myself about how annoying he is/will be and sigh while papa leaves the room..

Just as I am about to drift to sleep bond barges in and jumps on my bed

"AA BONDD!!! You scared me I was gonna go to sleep.."

Well...I am gonna miss bond too he's a good doggy..I think about leaving home while petting him

"Borf Borf"

"Quietttt you will make mama and papa come in the room and scold me!!"

(Suddenly anya reads his mind where there is an image) that me..and...second son....huh...what are we doing in the same bed aren't there separate beds in the dorm room and where is my night cap rude future me not wearing it!...I wonder why bond would show me this...

I drift to sleep hugging bond

HEHEH IMMA LEAVE IT THERE WHO KNOWS WHT WAS GOING ON WITH THEM AHHAHA and just so u know I'm not a creepo they are in High-school afterall so yea I can do what I wanna humph okay this is a little long for the authors note Adioss~

~Its You~ Damianya ♡ Damian x AnyaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя