Me and Robin dropped on the roof of the bank. "You go handle the getaway driver, I'll take down the thugs inside the bank." Robin said to me as he made his way towards the back. "On it." I nodded as we both went in the opposite direction. I placed a seal on the roof and hopped on a streetlamp pole and looked around for a suspicious vehicle. I looked around and my eyes fell upon a cliche blacked out suv. "Of course." I said to myself. I placed a seal on the lamp as well just incase. I leaped off the pole and landed next to the drivers door, I immediately punched threw the window and grabbed the driver and yank him out, throwing him at the wall behind me. I reached inside for another thug in the passenger seat and grabbed him by the shirt and delivered a hard right straight that knocked him out instantly. I pulled him out and tied him and his buddy up together before leaving them on the side of the street and going back to check on Robin. I hadn't heard a single gun shot go off at all. 'Damn he's good.' I thought to myself.

I dropped a smoke bomb and appeared on the bank rooftop, i began to walk towards the back exit. "Alright now to see how Dick is coming along." I said. "Where you goin?" I turned around as I recognized dicks voice. "How did you- ..damn your good." I responded giving Dick his props. "Chill, all it took was for me to jam their guns and knock them out with knock out gas." He replied. "Oh...right." I responded. Damn Dick really was on another level, He was super smart and well rounded, if me and him were to go at it i don't know who'd win. And that's including my ninja powers, without my powers Dick takes that one home nine times out of ten...for now. We then shifted our attention when we heard angered screams coming from the ground below, we both ran to the ledge and peeped down to see the getaway driver and the accomplice i took down earlier. We were both confused as to why they were screaming aggressively, and thats when i saw it. A green trail of misty smoke energy was enwrapping the two criminals. "What the hell is that?" I said as i gazed at the strange sight. "What?" Robin responded in a confused tone. "That green smoke surrounding them, i know you see that there's no missing it." I said. "Nah man i don't see anything but those two criminals screaming like maniacs." Robin replied causing me to look at him confused. "Wait, you really cant see it?" I said looking at him with a raised eyebrow, which he responded saying "yea dude, I'm not seeing any green smoke."

Suddenly i saw Robins facial expression change as he was still looking ahead. "What the hell?" He spoke, visibly shocked. I instantly turned my gaze back to the criminals and i saw them both mutating into monster like creatures. A wave of shock instantly flooded over me as I witnessed what was happening before my eyes. "GO!" Robin yelled as he leaped off the roof gliding down towards the mutated criminals. I immediately followed behind as i jumped off and lowered myself using my scarf. I landed behind Robin and walked up next to him, we looked ahead and saw the mutated criminals rip out of the seatbelt i tied them in. They both roared loudly and charged at us. Dick flipped out the way and i threw my scarf at a pole and pulled myself up and over the monster, mid air i turned and launched shuriken at the monsters back, but the shurikens just stuck into his back and he turned around staring at me angrily, being completely unfazed by my shuriken attack. The monster then rushed me with greater speed this time, he threw a punch and i slipped it then countered with a heavy uppercut. The monster stumbled back and shook his head before rushing me again. Like an idiot he threw one big punch again which i evaded by side stepping then delivered a heavy kick to the gut causing him to cave in a little, I followed up with a roundhouse kick to the head sending him crashing into the ground.

I glanced over at Robin and saw him holding his own with his electrified bow staff. I looked back at the monster and watched it get up and get ready to attack me again. "Dont know when to quit do ya." I said as the monster charged at me. I was going easy on the monster since Dick made it clear that I shouldn't kill, and if i was to kill he would no longer train me. Which was fine with me, I didn't want to kill anyone anyway. Especially if i could just beat them up and send them to the jail. The monster charged forward and i just waited on him to get close. For a second it felt like time had slowed down, i was focused yet relaxed, my senses felt extra sharp. Is this feeling adrenaline? No. 'Im in the zone.' The monster was approaching quickly, I decided i would immobilize this guy once and for all. I summoned sais from my suit and held them in reverse grip.

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