The heist

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Kenny's POV:

Me and Kyle were crawling in the ventilation tunnels so we could sneak into the store and steal the parka. I know stealing isn't right but I'm sure I've done worse when I was younger and in elementary school. This can't be THAT bad can it? I know it's not right but I'm in a tight spot here literally because of the vents hehe, but anyways I'm sure it'll be fine as long as we don't get caught...

I was thinking to myself until all of a sudden a rat scurried away right in front of me! "AHHSHCJKD" I screamed horrified by the small and diseased rodent. "Woah dude, are you okay?" I heard Kyle ask from behind me. "O-oh yeah I'm good dude I just saw a rat..." I replied relieved that the rat was gone.

"Damn I know I'm not a huge fan of rats because of how gross they are and stuff but I don't think I would be that scared of one" he said laughing quietly. "Heh yeah it just caught me off guard I guess.." I said laughing awkwardly while rubbing both of my eyes.

I'm actually very scared of rats because every time I die they end up eating my corpse, I know I should be used to it by now but I still always get a uneasy feeling when I'm around them. I've befriended a few rats in the past and they were decent pets but every time I die they end up devouring me with other rats.

So yeah they make decent pets for awhile but I'm still scared of them anyways, but this of course isn't something I could tell Kyle because he can't remember my deaths. I know it's not his fault that he can't remember and I don't blame him, I blame my stupid curse... the only benefit is that no one has to remember or live with the fact their friend or relative dies repeatedly and gruesomely. Well except for my parents who obviously know and maybe a few others, I'm not so sure...

Well anyways we continued down the vents until I finally saw another opening. I peeked through the vent lid and saw the shops shelfs and other things from below. I then quietly opened the vent lid and luckily the vent was right above a shelf, so I climbed out carefully and was on top of the shelf.

Once I was onto the shelf I climbed down it trying my best to not knock over anything onto the floor. When I made it onto the floor I signaled for Kyle to come out of the vent and onto the shelf aswell. He climbed out of the vent and was then on the shelf, which he quickly climbed off of and had then joined me on the floor.

I then whispered to him my actual plan, "Ok so I'm going to steal the parka from the mannequin and I need you to pretend that you just entered the shop and that you want to purchase something!" I explained. "Okay I understand!" He whispered shouted back.

Kyle's POV:

After Kenny explained to me the plan I quickly existed the store quietly and swiftly and then came inside the shop again but this time loudly so the old woman would realize my appearance. "W-welcome to my shop!" The old woman said adjusting her glasses that seemingly didn't help her eyesight.

"Hello.." I said back awkwardly, I could already see Kenny from the corner of my eye getting up to the mannequin. This made me panic because I hadn't gotten anything that I could use to act like I was going to buy it as a distraction.

Kenny was already trying to get the parka off the mannequin but it seemed to be caught on it or something because Kenny went from carefully trying to slip the parka off to brutally trying to rip it off while becoming a struggling mess. This of course made a few noises and I noticed the old woman adjust her eyeglasses and I also saw that she was about to look in Kenny's direction.

So I quickly walked up to the counter and saw that there were boxes on a small shelf in the counter that the old woman and the cashier were behind of, so I grabbed a random box and placed it right in front of her quickly while also slamming it on the table slightly. She immediately looked into my direction and adjusted her glasses.

She looked down at the box carefully and then looked back at me, "um don't you think your to young for this type of stuff?" She said sounding concerned. I was confused and then looked at the small box in her hands and immediately became embarrassed and began to feel even more awkward.

What I thought was a small box of gum was a fucking box of medicine that is supposed to help old people use the bathroom more easily. I quickly put back the box and quickly looked for something else, I found a box of diabetic medicine so I placed that on the counter instead. "S-sorry about that, I thought it was medicine for my diabetes instead heh.." I said while scratching the back of my head standing still in a very awkward manner.

"Oh I was going to ask if you were really constipated if someone as young as you was going to take medicine like that, also that would be 9.98$ please" she said smiling warmly as she gently took the 20 bucks I'd offer her as she scanned the item and slowly rummaged around for a bag to put the medicine in.

I let out a sigh of relief and looked behind me to see Kenny have the park in his arms waiting by the door to go, I also noticed how he was trying his best not to laugh because of my embarrassing mistake.

I turned around and saw her slowly bring her hand out in front of me offering me my change, "oh no it's okay keep the change" I said feeling a little guilty for helping Kenny steal one of her items for sale.

"Oh okay also here you go thank you for shopping here, have a good rest of your day!" The old lady said cheerfully while placing the bag on the counter for me. I took the bag in my hands, "no thank you, I hope you have a good rest of your day aswell!" I replied being as polite as possible.

I quickly walked away and opened the door and left with Kenny following close behind. "Pffttt dude that was hilarious and embarrassing" Kenny said teasing me as we began walking back to my house. "Shut up I wouldn't have embarrassed myself in the first place if I hadn't decide to help you get that parka in the first place!" I said back rolling my eyes with a half smile on my face.

Random Old woman's POV:

Heh those boys sure were being unusual and sneaky about buying the parka, that red headed boy paid for it and his medicine I mean so I wonder why they were being weird about it.

Hmmm.... oh it must be because the orange parka wearing kid must be shy about purchasing a Hello Kitty parka for himself! Or maybe they thought that the old price tag was the actual price not the one that said it was only 5.99$? Oh well at least the sweet young red headed kid paid for it and his 3.99$ medicine, so that the shy young parka wearing kid wouldn't be embarrassed!

I didn't charge him tax too because he let me keep the change which basically covered it anyways heh...

Ah kids these days...


1270 words~ July 16th, 2023

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