📞Katie: yes yes I'm here

📞Ella:  Did you hear what I said?

📞Katie: Ells I got to go now, talk to you next week, okay? Bye

📞Ella: I love...- notice she hang up already -  wow

*Ella puts her phone down unbelieved with what happened but hear someone  knocking*

Ella: one sec - takes a deep breath and puts her hoodie on while opening the door - omg - see Maddie and hugs her - I missed you so much

Maddie: I thought you forgot about me - hugs Ella - I was like..that bitch better not

Ella: sorry babe, things have been crazy since...I think the lake house to be honest - gives space so Maddie can walk in

Maddie: I heard you on the phone so I just waited outside - sits on the couch

Ella: yep, I was with Katie - sits by Maddie  - she's been there for a month now

Maddie: how was it? How is she doing?

Ella: she's good, but today she was not her normal self, she sounded...- sights - ...distance

Maddie: she probably misses you a lot Ells, and since y'all met you've never been that much apart, am I right?

Ella: yes - lays her head on Maddie's lap  - but it was weird...her voice was worried and empty like I was talking to myself and at the end, she hang up

Maddie: they probably give her a lot of meds and she's getting used to them - tries to come up with stuff to not get her worried

Ella: you're right - looks around and gets up - well I need to pack, wanna help?

Maddie: of course my girl - says in a British accent - are you ready to meet London?

Ella: yes I am darling - says in a terrible accent laughing - okay let's not do this - they go to Ella's room

*they spend the next 1h packing and talking *

Maddie: that's a lot of clothes bro - says looking at Ella's bag

Ella: I'm staying there for a month Mads - puts another outfit in there - and then my make-up bag goes in the carry-on

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Ella: I'm staying there for a month Mads - puts another outfit in there - and then my make-up bag goes in the carry-on

Maddie: if you say so - lay down on the bed - I'm starvingggg

Ella: I'm gonna make our food if you close this bag - smiles and goes to the kitchen

Maddie: of course, I get the dirty work  - sits on the bag trying to close

*15min later Ella finishes cooking and Maddie finally closed the bag and brings to the living room*

Ella: yayy - she puts the plates on the table and see Maddie bringing the bags - you're my savior 

Maddie: and- sits down : the love of your life - puts some wine for herself

Ella: nope - sits down - that's Katie

Maddie: fuck you - shows her the finger laughing 

Ella: sorry - laughs - now eat my 5 stars pasta

Maddie: I'm so hungry that even if it's bad , I do not care - says eating

Ella: that hurts a little bit - says trying her food

Maddie: I want sleep and eat at the same time

Ella: look here - grabs her phone and waits for Maddie to smile to take a picture

Maddie: don't post that - says finishing her food

Ella: too late - post on her stories and puts her phone down

Maddie: that was good - grabs the plates and puts on the dishwasher- thanks Ells

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Maddie: that was good - grabs the plates and puts on the dishwasher- thanks Ells

Ella: you're welcome - smiles as she's zoom out and looking down thinking about Katie

Maddie: Do you wanna call the clinic? - looks at Ella with the phone on her hands

Ella: Yes, I need to talk to her - grabs the phone and puts on speakerphone while calling the clinic

📞Hey this is Ella Moraes, I would like to talk to the patient Katie Douglas

📞 Ms. Douglas is not our patient

📞What? What do you mean ?

📞She's not here anymore,  left a few days ago

📞But she was supposed to stay there for 6 months - gets up confused looking at Maddie

📞 Yeah, but she was released, the director allowed her to leave before the 03 months

📞Did she left by herself ? - says starting to freak out

📞 I can't give you this information, I'm sorry

📞It's okay, okay, thank you anyways - turns off the phone

Maddie: what the fuck - stands looking at Ella

Ella: shit - says while trying to call Emma but goes straight to voicemail - I don't know what to do - says in shock - FUCk! MY CALLBACK...


Chapter 25....that's crazy 🤧

I'm still  trying to decide if I will end this story on chapter 30 or not lol

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Love y'all

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