Jisung looked up at him and smiled. "I'm fine Min, I promise. You said we were off today?" He asked. Minho hummed his agreement. "Would you mind if I visit some with Felix?" he asked nervously. He wanted to talk to Felix about all this and how he was feeling but he worried how Minho would take it. "I'm not trying to do anything, I just want to talk to him." His boyfriend just stared at him and he got nervous. "Nevermind, I don't need to, what do you want to do today?" He spoke quickly hoping to smooth over it.

"Jagi," Minho spoke softly and it cut Jisung off his ramble. "I will never mind you spending time with Lixie." His eyes were gentle. "You don't ever have to ask if it's ok if you spend time with any of our brothers, Sungie. I would never tell you what you can or can't do."

Jisung's eyes grew wet with the words. "I didn't want you to think anything was going on."

"Jagi, I trust you always." Minho said. "Why would I ever mind you spending time with Lixie?"

"Well, I don't know. Lixie is just cuddly and now that we are official I didn't know how you would feel about me spending time with him especially now that we have...well you know."

"Jagi, I trust you. You don't ever have to explain to me why or ask my permission to spend time with any of our brothers. I don't care if you sleep in Felix's bed. I TRUST you."

Jisung's worry cleared and he launched himself at his boyfriend and tackled him, peppering his face with kisses. "Thank you hyung!"

Minho hugged Jisung to him and smiled indulgently at him. The fact that Jisung even worried about his jealousy was sweet. His jagi was his whole world. Before they had even become a couple Minho had known that Jisung was the love of his life. The kind you heard about in story books; like Jack and Rose from that Titanic movie. He had been born to love Jisung. He loved his brothers and their career but he could live without them. He couldn't live without Sungie. Their quokka was his whole world. He fought every moment not to tell him the extent of his feelings but he was terrified to do anything that might push the other man away. He knew they were meant to be but Sungie wasn't as confident of that truth as he was so he had to wait until the other man was.

A couple hours later, Jisung was cuddled up to Felix in their sunshine boys bed. "So what's up Jisungie?" Felix asked. "You seem deep in thought." Felix eyed him with a happy smile.

"Just wanted to talk." Jisung said with a shrug.

"I'm listening, Jisungie."

"I...I feel some things and I....I don't really know what to make of them." Jisung admitted softly.

Felix sat up and crossed his legs in front of him, leaning forward to listen. "So tell me about the feelings and what they are having to do with and we will get you sorted."

"It's kind of nausea but kind of pleasant?" Jisung said questioningly. "Like flutters in my tummy?"

"Ahh." Felix said with a knowing smile. "About hyung?"

"I don't know. It started last night kind of then this morning my heart feels like it's beating weird and my palms are sweaty like I'm having a panic attack but I don't think I am and its kind of...enjoyable, I guess." he paused. "We uh...well we..." He blushed and Felix looked confused for a moment before his face cleared and he bounced excitedly in place.

"You guys had sex?" He almost whispered. Jisung blushed and nodded. "And?"

"It was amazing!" Jisung said in awe. "I didn't know it could be like that. I didn't know it would feel like that. He was so sweet and made sure I was enjoying all of it." He bit his lip and blushed. "I asked for it."

"Good for you Jisungie! I'm so happy for you!" Felix raved. "I told you that you would enjoy it. Who topped?"

"He did." Jisung blushed more. "He offered to bottom but I wouldn't let him."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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