Chapter 11

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A/N The characters in this story are based on the real people but the story and actions are from my own imagination. This story is fiction and should not be taken as fact. It is my own musings at how Jisung and Minho could possibly have fallen in love. I am not assuming their sexuality, as I said this is fiction to the best of my knowledge. If you wish to be alerted when I update any of my stories follow _eyes_wideshut on Twitter. This story is posted only here and on AO3 and does not have my permission to be translated or posted anywhere else without my consent. Comments fuel my writing so if you like what I write please let me know! Now on to the story and enjoy!

Chapter 11

Jisung sent a message to Felix who agreed to meet up before heading home to talk. He came bearing an americano for Jisung who smiled at the thoughtfulness.

Jisung had pondered where they could talk. He didn't want to do it at the dorms, there would be interupptions of loud noise if not actual interupptions and with his nerves over this conversation, he didn't even want something to startle him. He was afraid if he didn't finish all in one, he would be too scared to restart.

Similarly, while a coffee shop or a park bench would be ideal for most people, he couldn't take the chance of being overheard or worse, recorded. 3racha's room would be perfect but his hyungs were still in there.

The practice rooms were booked up. Finally he decided to search out a smaller meeting room. He had found the perfect spot not long before and now led Felix into the room and shut the door behind them, flipping the switch that showed the room as occupied so they wouldn't be disturbed.

He walked over to the couch along the wall and sat, tucking his legs under him. He took a sip of the coffee nervously as he waited for Felix to get comfortable. Once the younger man looked at him with a raised eyebrow he took a deep breath. "I hope it's ok to talk about this and if you get uncomfortable just tell me." Jisung said, not meeting Felix's eyes.

"You told me you knew about…about…Minho and me." Jisung started.

Felix pulled his legs up under himself as well and nodded. "Yes. I know you two are flirting the line a bit."

"He told me he was interested in giving us a try." Jisung said softly. Felix nodded happily, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "And I want that too but I'm kind of scared. I think he would expect me to ummm…be the umm…" Felix just looked at him curiously not really understanding.

"Well it's just that he is so in charge when we are together so I picture him being more the man I guess."

A look of understanding dawned on Felix's face. "Ahh so you are pretty sure he is the top and expects you to bottom?" Jisung nodded, glad that Felix understood.

"I'm afraid of the pain."

"Don't be. Hyung will be gentle I'm sure and it hurts the first time for a minute while you stretch out but it feels good too. Really good." He blushed. "Besides, talk about it. He may be willing to bottom for you. Just because you think someone will be the top by the way they act doesn't necessarily mean they are." His blush grew.

Felix reached out and caressed Jisung's hand gently. "Its ok Sungie, just talk to me. You know I won't judge."

"I always thought I was straight, you know that. We have talked about it and you said maybe hyung was my exception and I think you are right. All the things that I thought would turn me off, with him…they don't. Like feeling another guys hard on has never been something I wanted but with him." He gave a shiver of desire and bit his lip. "With him its so hot to know that I make that happen with him."

"So how did you get to this point of actually discussing it?" Felix asked.

Jisung began running through what had happened between them, growing more comfortable at the matter of fact way Felix was handling the conversation. When he told about his mother assuming they were a couple Felix nodded knowingly. Then he recounted his conversation with Minho about it. "He just…I don't know. I always kind of thought he was too good for me and for him to actually be interested in trying for more just…" He shrugged.

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