Chapter 8

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A/N Hello my lovelies! If you would like to be alerted when I update, please follow _eyes_wideshut on twitter (You can also DM me there if you like. This story is getting a lot of views but no one is really commenting so I hope you are enjoying it and not doing the click on a bad story just to see how bad it is thing. If you like what I write please let me know. I get paranoid when no one comments. Plus, comments feed my muse and make me want to write faster. Anyway, this story is fiction and I do not know or own any of the characters or the people they represent. Any similarities to real life are only due to my being a Stay and this is solely created from my imagination. This story is only published here and on AO3 and does not have my permission to be posted anywhere else. If you see it elsewhere please let me know. I am always looking for someone to bounce ideas with so if you would be interested in that, please DM me on twitter. Now go and enjoy!

The airport had been a nightmare. Jisung had been knocked around by the stupid fans who professed to love him. His shirt had been ripped by the grabbing hands of the girls. Minho had been absolutely disgusted by the invasion on their privacy and Chan was more angry than Minho had seen him before. When they finally reached the bus that was to take them to the hotel, Minho shot a venomous look at Hyunjin who moved to sit next to their quokka. Hyunjin froze and then moved to sit beside Felix, allowing Minho to take the seat next to Jisung. He reached for his hand and Jisung latched onto the lifeline.

They got checked in at the hotel and Chan started handing out the keys and room assignments." Minho. You will be with.." He checked the list but before he could finish the sentence Minho stepped forward and snatched both keys.

"Jisung." He said. "I am rooming with Jisung." The hardness in his voice allowed for no argument. He moved back next to Jisung and put an arm around the younger, sensing he was close to a full blown panic attack. He raised an eyebrow at Chan who watched them and then nodded.

"Right. You are with Jisung. Which leaves Hyunjin with me. Ok, everyone head to your rooms. We have a sound check this afternoon at 3 so be here ready to go at 2:30." He dismissed them and everyone headed for the elevator.

"Come on, Jagiya. Let's get away from all these people." Minho said softly. Jisung didn't look up, he just stared at the floor but nodded to show he had heard. Minho hadn't heard him speak since the airport and he wanted to get his baby away from all the press and the people so he could fall apart in private. He gently led him to the elevator.. The others were loud and excited about the show but their corner of the elevator was quiet, only because his arm was around Jisung, could he feel how hard he was shaking trying to hold in his emotions. As soon as they entered their room, Jisung threw himself on the bed and curled up in a ball.

Minho set their bags down and went to join him, pulling Jisung into his arms and wrapping the younger man in the cocoon of safety, arms and legs around him as if protecting Jisung from the world. It took only minutes before Jisung fell apart and began crying. Minho just soothed and listened. His hands rubbing Jisung's back gently. In his thoughts he raged at all the people who made this happen ; he would burn the world down for this man. But knowing it wouldn't help right now, he held all that in. "Its ok Sungie, you are safe." He whispered.

What felt like hours later, Jisung slowly pulled himself back together. When the tears finally stopped and the shaking ceased, Minho touched his cheek and wiped his face gently. "I'm sorry I get like this. It must be annoying." Jisung said, shame coloring the words.

"No, jagiya. You have nothing to apologize for. That was a mess today and it's understandable to be shaken up by it. Hyung was livid that they got close enough to touch you. Just relax and rest. We have a couple hours before we have to get ready."

"Min?" Jisung hesitated. "Will you kiss me?" He asked, desperately needing the closeness.

Minho smiled at him and leaned in, kissing him gently and tenderly. Jisung deepened the kiss quickly, chasing the intimacy to ground him. Minho went along with it, pulling his quokka flush against him.

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