Chapter 12

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Miguel O'Hara X Reader

Chapter 12

Warning: Child death is mentioned in this story.

Miguel finally trusted me enough to let me leave his dimension. I guess he no longer deemed me a threat to the spider verse, not that I was ever a threat. Even though I didn't necessarily enjoy making a mass batch of food every day, I was definitely going to miss the place. I could always visit when I want to, which I have a feeling I might be doing a lot.

Not only have my feelings for Miguel not gone away, but I'm pretty sure they grew. I can't say I'm happy about them either. I wanted nothing more than for all of these irrational feelings to go away. Sure every time I thought of Miguel my heart got filled with happiness, but they always got replaced by the image of Colin, and his dumb blonde hair.

I know Miguel is nothing like Colin, they have completely different motives. Colin killed my daughter to hurt me, because he couldn't stand me being spider-woman. Miguel only did what he did to Miles because he wants to protect the spider verse. Not that what he did was okay.

Miguel knows my pain. He went through the same thing as me, and I know he would never hurt his daughter on purpose.

I sighed as I swung from building to building. People below me stared in awe as I swished by, and little kids screamed as they saw me. I guess that's what I get for disappearing for a few months.

Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to like Miguel. This is what I'd consider growth.

I swung onto the rooftop of some apartment buildings. I looked out for any criminals. Today has been the most boring day ever, I had only stopped to help a little boy get his cat out of a tree.

I watched the streets. A woman popped from behind a corner, she was screaming. In front of her a man ran holding her purse. This was my time to shine.

I dropped down from the rooftop. "He stole my purse, he stole my purse!" The woman stopped in her tracks. "Spider Woman?" I nodded at her, and swung off towards the man who stole her purse. His hood was covering his hair, and he was tightly gripping the purse he stole. "Hey!" I screamed at the man, all he did was look back and continue running.

It didn't matter if he stopped running or not, I would catch up with him sooner than later. I swung over a big semi truck and landed back on the ground. I continued running after the man, keeping my eyes on him. I swung up, and landed in front of the man. He had a plain black mask covering his face. I stared in confusion, as he pointed to the alleyway. I looked over. My mouth gaped open, and my heart thumped in my chest.

Locks of blonde hair stood out compared to the dark alleyway. I gazed upon the man in front of me. "It's been a while, spider woman." My throat tightened, and I started tearing up. "Colin?" He chuckled. Before he responded I was hit in the back of the head.

I folded over, and grabbed the back of my head, I looked up at Colin. He just smirked at me. I looked back, to see another man wearing the same black mask, and holding a pipe. My head throbbed as I stood up. "How are you here?" Is all I could spit out. He smiled at me. They all scattered in different directions. I kept my eyes on the man with the purse.

As he ran, I grabbed it, and pulled back. The man came flying my way. The man with the pipe whacked me in the stomach. I fell back into the wall with a thud, while the guys ran off. I still held the woman's purse in my hand.

The woman ran over to me. "Are you okay?" Her voice was urgent and caring. All I could do was nod and hand her back her purse. "Thank you spider-woman." I looked up to her. She was an older woman, and her hair was in a bun. "You're welcome." My voice was croaky, and rough. She smiled and walked off.

I stood up fully. My head didn't hurt as much anymore, but my whole body was still sore, and my mind was jumbled. How could Colin be here? I saw him dead, I watched him die. The police took his body, they announced him dead, yet he was just standing in front of me, very much still alive.

And the guys in the black masks? Who were they, and where did they come from? They beat me like it was nothing. Who in their right mind would help a child murderer? Well I guess I know the answer.

I swung up to the sky, looking for the guys that ran off. I swung off in the same direction as them, but they were nowhere to be found. I even searched through buildings. I swung up onto the tallest building, and searched for Colin and his gang. Nothing, not even one person was walking around New York City at eight pm.

I sighed and swung back into my apartment. Waiting for me was Peter, and some leftover take-out food. I warmed up my food, and walked into my room, which was where June used to sleep.

After she died, and I realized I couldn't sleep in the same bed I used to, I moved all my stuff into June's room, and got a whole new bed, and bedspread.

I shoved some of my takeout into my mouth.

It took me back to when I had a family, when June, Colin, and I would all have chinese food every night because I couldn't make grilled chicken without almost killing everyone.

Flashes of memories flooded my mind. June's face in her last moments. Colin and how he blamed me for our child's death. And finally, how I just saw the man I killed.

I didn't go to his funeral but I heard he was cremated, and this might sound crazy, but he didn't look like a pile of ash to me. In fact his skin looked so smooth he might as well have been born yesterday. He didn't have a cut, or gash, or scar anywhere, which is weird because even before I shoved him out a window, he had a scar on his cheek from when he was a little kid.

I shoved another chunk of food into my mouth.

What does this mean for me? He knows who I am, and he obviously targeted me. If he told the world who I was, what would happen. What if they went after mom, and aunt Mary. And I know what this man can do, he split someone in half for goodness sake! Good thing I came home when I did, who knows what could have happened if he was here when I wasn't.

I placed my bowl on my bedside table, and laid down. At least I was able to get Miguel off my mind for a little while, well at least until now.

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