Chapter 1

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Miguel O'Hara X Reader

Chapter 1


I sat boredly in my bakery, I've had almost no customers today. Not even my usual, Mr.Smith, came in today for his famous June's raspberry cupcake, and a warm cup of coffee. I guess I couldn't be too upset,  it was only ten, and I opened an hour ago.

My spidey-sense went off as a flash of white flashed past my window, and police followed behind. I immediately shot up, and ran into my back room.

Before I knew it I was out my window, wearing my spider-suit. I swung in pursuit of the criminal.

After a minute of swinging, someone popped from behind a corner and I ran straight into them. I just hung from the sky trying to comprehend what just happened.

Someone, somehow, just ran into me, while I was a good 100 feet in the air. I looked to both sides of me, no one was there. Weird. I looked down, just in case, and the same thing, no one. I'll just assume that it was a bird, that way I'll catch that criminal faster.

I continued swinging from building to building, keeping my eyes peeled. I stopped instantly, when a dalmatian looking guy popped into view.

He had his back turned to me, and it looked like he was... eating something? I swooped down to him.

"You look new." He flipped around the moment he heard my voice. "Another spider? How many of you are there?" Another spider? "You obviously have something wrong with you, because I'm the one and only spider wom-, hey is that one of my cakes?" I was right, he indeed was eating something, and that something was a birthday cake for a little girl turning nine, that I made. "Oh, you're the nice lady who gave me little Lonnie's birthday cake. I've got to give it to you, this is the best cake I've had in a while." We were walking in a circle like the wrestling shows.

"I never gave you that cake, you stole it!" As he passed by it he grabbed a handful and started eating it out of his hand. "Tomato, to-maa-toe." He spoke with cake flying out of his mouth.

"As much as I've loved out chit chat, spider woman, I have a nemesis to fight." A portal appeared beneath him. "Wait-" I shot a web at his hand, and as he fell I quickly got dragged behind him.

"What are you doing?!" I used the web as a climbing rope to get closer to him. "You're not getting away, you're a dangerous criminal!" I struggled, as wind whooshed past me. I couldn't keep my grip on my web, and I kept sliding back

"You know, for someone doing this job for as long as you have, you should probably have more upper arm strength than that." He had no issues talking, or flying through the portal. "Shut up."

Within ten seconds we were thrown out of the portal, onto a rooftop. 

I flew up above the man, and came back crashing down. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and started squeezing. "Let me go! I'm not here for you!" He said between wheezes. "No, you need to be put away!"

I glued my eyes shut, and I squeezed down harder. All of the sudden I fell, the dalmatian man, disappeared in another one of his portals. I whipped around, looking for him. He wasn't about to reek havoc on my home, without at least giving me a good fight.

I swung through the city, until I arrived at Alchomax. It was covered in a ton of spots, just like the person I was attempting to find.

I landed on the top of the roof. Adding to the destruction, there were also countless explosion holes that allowed me to see into the building.

Before I plunged into the building, I took a look around. He was nowhere to be found, but four other people, swinging tree to tree were. I watched as they got closer and closer. One of them had hair sticking out of his suit, the second one looked like his arm pits were bleeding, the third one had a hood, and pink accents all throughout their suit, and the last one had a spikey mohawk.

To my surprise they were all spider people. I propelled myself over to the group. "Who are you guys?" I swung next to them. "Why should we tell you?" The one with a mohawk asked.

The pink spider nudged him a little, but flew back into place. Gwen, the pink spider, proceeded to introduce everyone. "We're all a part of a secret organization of spider people, we're here to collect the spot." "We're all a part of spider-society? Does that mean I can join?" Miles, or the spiderman who looks like his armpits are bleeding asked. "Minus Miles." I looked back to miles, whose head dropped the moment she said minus miles.

"The spot? Is that what you call him?" Gwen looked over and nodded. We all swung into the building, but the spot wasn't anywhere to be found. Which for now was a good thing, until you took a look around and realized how much damage there was.

At least all the scientists were able to make their way out, sooner or later, and I so far I've only found people with mild injuries. 

While looking for the injured, for some reason the rest of the spider people were all huddled in a circle talking. "Oooo, someones in trouble." Was all I could hear. Maybe if I used my amazing sneaking abilities, I would be able to hear some more of their secret conversation.

I walked over on my tip toes, but they all still flipped their heads to see me. Spidey-sense, of course how could I forget. Wait a minute. "Oh my god." They looked at me like I was insane. "You're all teenagers? Who's the crazy person that made up this 'corporation'?" Maybe I act a tad but like a mama bear, but this is a dangerous job, and four teenagers were in a corporation to fight a bunch of bad guys.

Three of them looked at me like I was the crazy one, but Miles threw his hand up, "I've been asking the same thing!" He walked over to my side. Gwen sighed. "Miguel started the whole thing. He's a good guy, seriously." Before I could say anything else, a portal opened, not like the sports portal, this one was orange, and in a pentagon.

A woman riding a motor-cycle jumped out of the portal. Her hair looked amazing, and even though she was very pregnant, she looked like the most awesome spiderman I had ever seen. Which to be honest she's the sixth spiderman I had ever seen, including myself.

I moved back and out of her way. "Gwen, you said you had everything under control, and what did I say about not visiting your friend." Gwen looked incredibly guilty. "He wasn't supposed to be here, he followed me." I felt terrible, for no real reason. "But, he did a really good job at helping try to catch the spot." The spider woman sighed. "Miguel wants to talk to you, and miles, I told you I couldn't help you after an hour."

"Let's go."

Hobie wrapped his arm around Miles. "I don't follow orders, neither does he." Mile looked ecstatic, and immediately walked away into the portal. Hobie sighed and slapped his hands on his forehead, but Hobie also followed. Before he could walk any further, I stepped in. I put my hand in front of him to stop him. "Hold on, I know these kids are in trouble. They need someone in there to look out for them." I took my mask off to prove, I was indeed over kid age. She just nodded.

I put my arm down, and followed Spider Woman into the portal.

Next chapter will definitely have Miguel in it. Also if you have any request on what your spider suit looks like I'm all ears.

Its a huge help if you follow, comment, and vote on my story.  

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