Chapter 10

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Miguel O'Hara X Reader
Chapter 10

I sat on my couch, I've been wearing the same sweatpants for three days. My mom refused to talk to me ever since June's funeral.
Could you really blame me though? If her daughter, AKA me, died and her spoiled cousin came in and talked crap about you at your daughter's funeral, what would she do? Grace doesn't even have children, she doesn't understand the pain I'm going through. And to top it all I have to get back to work in two days.

I was also watching a drama show. My thought process was, I could fill my brain with fictional characters drama, and ignore my own drama. So far it wasn't working too well, I missed half of the season because I was so stuck in my head.

After two more episodes, my phone finally rang. I shot up and grabbed my phone. Incoming call, and mom shown on the screen. I answered the phone.

"Y/N we have to talk." I sighed, I could only guess what was about to happen. "Okay, mom, let's talk." In the background Rosely cried on my screen. I guess her family wasn't too happy with her either. "Y/N why don't you meet up with me at the park?" Maybe she could be giving me some amazing news, but given her tone, this news wasn't in my favor. "That sounds good, I'll see you there mom." Before she could say anything else I hung up.

I slowly got up from the couch, and shut off Love of Disaster. Even after seven episodes Rosly still wasn't able to be with her true love.
I walked into my room. Everything looked perfect. The bed was made, there were no clothes on the floor, but most of all that horrendous and lazy man no longer slept in the same bed as me. To be fair, I no longer slept in that bed either. Ever since June was, well, killed, I couldn't even try to sleep in the same bed as I used to. How could I ever have been so naive to believe that man ever had an ounce of good in him.

The only thing that's kept me going this long is Peter. June loved him, and I couldn't bear losing the only living thing I have left of her.

Peter followed me everywhere now, like he knew all the pain I was going through. Like he thought I couldn't be left alone. Maybe I was right, and if he did leave me alone I would do something I would regret.

Peter followed me into my room. If I was going to meet up with my mother I would have to at least look like I hadn't been crying, and shoving ice cream down my throat, while watching Rosly's evil father keep Rosly from her true love.

I pulled on a clean shirt, and some pants. It's not my finest outfit, but at least I won't smell like a dead rat. I also walked to the bathroom. A little deodorant never hurt anyone.

When I was finally done, I walked to my front door. I didn't think leaving could be so hard. I was breathing heavily, and my arm was shaking. I don't remember it being this hard when I left for the funeral.
I sucked up my fear, and opened my door. Behind me Peter meowed. "Don't worry Petar, I'll be back." Peter seemed to take my response and sat down. I finally took a step out my door. I felt like I was in a whole new atmosphere. One that was hard to breathe in.

Even though I found it hard to breathe, I continued down my stairs, and out of my apartment building.

When I finally arrived at the park, I found my mother sitting on the same bench as I was a few days ago when I ran from my daughter's funeral.
"Mom." My mother looked up at me, her eyes were puffy and red. "I think you'll need to sit down." I did as she said, and sat next to her. "Y/N I want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world." My hopes started rising. "But." Okay, it can't get any worse than it already is. "The family and I have decided that it's best if we don't... Well, we're not going to invite you to the family activities anymore."

"What?" My mother sighed, she looked like she was on the verge of tears. "I, and the rest of the family, think it would be best if we give you some time to mourn, we don't want another outburst." I looked at her, my eyes tearing up. "You can't do this, I need you." My mother placed her hands on my shoulders. "I don't want to, but you need to mourn, and some of the people in our family just can't let you without making it about themselves." She's talking Grace of course.

"What are you doing to Grace?" My mom sighed. "This Isn't about grace, this is about you." My mom stood up. "I love you sweetheart, and I need you to know that if you ever need the help I'll always be here." I stood up, just a few feet from my mom. "I know." My mom hugged me, then walked away.

She didn't say goodbye, or see you later, she just walked off. With all of my sentimental feelings, all I could think about was my daughter, and a raspberry cake. June's favorite flavor was always raspberry.

I decided that it would be a great idea to stop by the store on my way home. Maybe it would make me feel a little better about my family disinviting me from every family reunion.

I walked through the supermarket's doors, and headed straight to the bakery. I looked all through the bakery for a raspberry cupcake, but they were nowhere to be found. I walked up to the counter, where a lady piped frosting onto a cake. "Um, hello." I looked up to the lady. "Hi, how can I help you?" She smiled back at me. "Do you have any raspberry cupcakes in the back?" She looked back, then looked back at me. "No, unfortunately the last batch of raspberry cupcakes were put out already." I nodded. "Thank you anyway." I walked away.

Maybe I could try making my own cupcakes? How hard could it be?

I went up and down aisles, grabbing flour, sugar, fresh raspberries, vanilla extract, and powdered sugar. The rest of the ingredients were at my house. I paid for everything and left. It was a horrible idea to walk, even with my spider-woman workout, my arms started hurting.

Once I was finally done walking home I dropped all my bags on the couch. My arms had indents from the bags.

I grabbed all the ingredients I would need, and put on my favorite playlist. I mixed everything together and even added some raspberries into the cake batter. Once I put the cake in the oven, I got started on the raspberry frosting.

I poured raspberries and sugar into a pan and let it simmer. While the sugar and strawberries combined into a syrup, I started making the frosting. I poured powdered sugar, and butter into my mixer, and let it mix until it was fluffy.

When the buttercream was fluffy, and my raspberry syrup was done, I mixed the two together.

There are no words to describe how amazing the frosting was. I could eat the whole bowl it's so good. Before I could eat anymore frosting my timer beeped and I pulled out my cake.
I had to wait for the cakes to cool off to frost them but when i did get to put the frosting on the cake looked awesome.

I cut myself a piece and took a bite. I felt like I was in heaven. The cake tasted even better than the stuff from the store. I wish I was able to share some with June. I grabbed a second serving of cake.

I don't think I've been this happy in a while. While I cooked I didn't think about my family, or Colin, and all I thought of when it came to June was all of my amazing memories of her.

I spent the rest of the day watching Love of Disaster, and eating my raspberry cake.

We've hit over 65k reads! I'm so thankful to everyone who reads this book. I also want everyone's opinion on if I should change the name. I think that something like Bake Me a Boyfriend would suit the story more than Bite Me. I also want to thank everyone who tell me the mistakes I've made when writing my book, I generally don't see them when writing. As soon as I finish this book I'm gonna start editing and fixing all of my mistakes.

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