Chapter 9

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Miguel O'Hara X Reader
Chapter 9

I ran all over town, I needed the perfect flowers, the perfect treats, and most of all I needed to make it to the funeral in time. I had a bouquet of pink roses in my hands, and a store made raspberry cupcakes. I was running through crowds of people, I only had five minutes then I would be late.
Sweat was running down my forehead, but up ahead I saw the funeral home. I bolted to the home, cars were already pulling up to it, but before anyone else could get in the funeral home, I busted through the doors.

I ran into the room that had a casket, a way to small casket in it. I stood in front of it, trying to keep my cool. Family members flooded in. The first person to come up to me was Aunt Mary. "You must be devastated, I'm so sorry this all happened to you sweetheart." I nodded, if I tried talking I would probably start bawling my eyes out.
"Come on sweetheart, it's okay to cry, it's your daughter's funeral." I nodded again, this time tears were forming in my eyes.
Before I could cause any scenes my mother showed up. "My baby girl, I can't believe that man did that to you and your girl." My mom wrapped her arms around me. "Hi, mom." I was all choked up already. "Don't worry, little June will get the justice she deserves." I nodded for the third time.
Aunt Mary placed her hand on my shoulder, and I wrapped my arms around my mom. I sobbed and sobbed on my mothers shoulder. People gathered, I could hear their sympathetic whispers. The whole world stopped when I heard Grace's loud voice boom into the room.

"I'm just saying, we all knew the man was a bad one, I tried warning her multiple times. It's no surprise such a horrible thing happened."

I looked over my shoulder, Grace stood in the middle of the room. Her younger sisters on both sides of her. I let go of my mom, and flipped around. My eyes were puffy, and red. "Grace, it's a funeral, please keep your opinions to yourself." I heard my mother speak behind me.
Grace clearly didn't take the warning my mom gave her. "Hey cous, how's life been so far." My blood was boiling by now. I probably looked like steam was coming from the top of my head.

"Go away Grace, just leave." She smiled at me. "Aww, Y/N are you feeling okay?" I couldn't take it anymore, my brain got fuzzie, and my cheeks felt warm.

I tried using all the courage in my body to stop myself, but I couldn't. I lifted my hands up, and shoved. Grace went tumbling to the flood, a very over the top scream roared from her throat. "She pushed me, she pushed me!" Before I could do anything more, my mom grabbed me and pulled me back.

"Y/N, this is no way to act, especially at your daughter's funeral!" My mother spoke sternly, while Aunt Mary helped Grace up. "She's crazy! Just like her psycho husband!" Grace screamed, and even more people gathered around.
"I don't want to hear it from you either grace." My mother grabbed my arm and dragged me outside. More tears fell from my eyes.

"What has gotten into you!" My mom screamed in the parking lot. "I get your going through something, but you could have seriously hurt someone." I weeped, as my mom screamed at me. "You're acting like a child, when you just lost one! You need to get a grip!"
I stared at my mom in disbelief, of course I didn't have a grip, my child just died for heaven's
"You need to apologize to Grace, this instant." All I did was shake my head, no. "Y/N use your words." I looked up to her, my legs were trembling. "No." She sighed, and placed her hands on her head. "You're so childish, Y/N."
She walked back into the building, leaving me to fall on the ground in tears.

Cars drove by, as I cried in the parking lot. I huddled in a ball as tears waterfall from my eyes.

My mom, my own mother, told me to suck it up to the girl that walked into my funeral, and told me I was just like my ex husband. I would have left, but this day was special, I had to be there for my daughter.

I got up from the ground, and dusted myself off. I walked back into the funeral, where I heard the wailing of Grace. I walked into the room, she was holding the flowers I got, and eating the raspberry cupcake. Both of them were for my daughter.
I walked over to Grace, who was wailing, and shoving the cupcake in her face at the same time. When she was finally done shoving half the cupcake down her throat, I walked over to her. I had every intention of being civil with her left the room, as I whacked the cupcake from her hands.

"What's wrong with you?" I looked at her, and she looked back at me like I was crazy, which I was feeling pretty crazy. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? This is a child's funeral, and you're eating her cupcake, while holding her flowers!" Grace stood up, the flowers and cupcake still in hand. "Stop trying to make this day all about you!" She screamed in my ear. "And if you want the cupcake so bad, just have it." Grace shoved the cupcake all over my black dress. I stared at the giant pink blob of pink frosting, my anger boiled again. My cheeks became red, and hot. I used all my strength and shoved Grace back into the chair. This time she didn't say, or scream anything, she just stared at me. Before my mom could come and lecture me again, I stormed out of the room, and back into the outside world. I ran for a while until I was in a very lonely park. I stopped and sat at the bench, while the rest of my family mourned my daughter.

Hi everyone, I have a few existing updates. First of all I'm starting on a new book, just so I can get out of my writing slumps. Make sure you check out my other book if you are enjoying this one. Second, I re-made the cover, I think it suits my style a lot more.

As always if you enjoyed make sure to, vote, comment, follow, and check out my other book.

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