Chapter 10: The Stone Boxes

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Chapter 10: The Stone Boxes

"Hey there." Rowan greets her, standing and leaning against the tree. Her muscles ripple as she stretches her arms above her head.

Briar swallows thickly, following the movement. This forager will be the death of her, and she couldn't be happier. "Hey." She answers smoothly, a shy smile curving her lips.

Rowan's face scrunches with concern. "How is Everly, do you have any news?"

She can't help her full-blown smile, "She is doing so much better! It should only be a few more days before she can come home and Flint says she has been a model patient."

Rowan seems to relax at this, a weight lifting from her shoulders. Briar places the basket next to her, shakes out the blanket, and motions for Rowan to sit.

Rowan eyes the spread enthusiastically. "Oh wow, you meant like an actual picnic."

"Is this okay?" Briar asks, hoping she brought at least one thing the other girl will enjoy.

Rowan raises her eyebrows, incredulous. "Are you kidding? This is more food than I usually eat in a month. Sometimes in a whole winter!" A fleeting pained look flashes behind her eyes that Briar fails to notice.

"Yeah, I know how to have a good time," She quips. An awkward silence fills the space between them. She touches Rowan's shoulder softly. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, um, yes sorry." She gives Briar a wry smile. It doesn't reach her eyes. "Let's eat."

Did I do something wrong? This is not at all going how she expected. Briar tries to shake the feeling off.

They taste a bit of everything in companionable silence. The crumbling cheese and hearty bread pair perfectly with the smoky ham and fruity wine. The pie bursts bright with a hint of lemon beneath luscious blueberries and a sugared crust.

Briar wipes her mouth on a corner of the blanket, forgetting to have packed napkins. It leaves a small smear of blueberry across her lips.

Rowan chuckles. "Wow. Such fancy manners you have, princess."

Rowan wipes her own mouth on the back of her sleeve and the pair break into a fit of giggles until Rowan's eyes fall to her lips.

"You missed a little bit." She reaches out tentatively, scorching a trail over Briar's lips as she brushes away the errant crumbs. Rowan brings her wandering finger back to her own lips, licking away the mess. "There, much better."

Eye contact has never felt this elicit. Briar stops breathing for a full minute, stomach clenching in knots. She has never wanted to kiss anyone this badly.

"You're staring." Rowan chides gently, mouth curling into a grin.

Briar lowers her gaze, picking at a loose string on the blanket. Half of her wants to ask if this is a date. The other half would absolutely die if the answer is yes.

"So," Rowan drawls, giving Briar time to calm her insides. "You royals sure like your flowers. The whole castle's covered in 'em, and so are you." She indicates the tattoos beneath the lace on Briar's bicep.

Briar's eyes narrow. "Is there something wrong with that?" She takes a sip of wine straight from the bottle, staring saucily at Rowan.

Rowan gulps, spreading her hands, placating her. "Oh not at all. It's just that most of the flowers I've encountered are usually trying to kill me." Her eyes twinkle with a hint of mischief but she doesn't elaborate.

Briar chokes, sputtering. She wipes the wine off her chin as gracefully as she can manage under Rowan's amused expression.

"Not that you would ever try to..." A panicked expression crosses Rowan's face.

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