Chapter 7: In Bloom

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"Rowan." A breathy voice calls, "Rowan is that you?"

"Ten more minutes, Reed." Rowan murmurs, curling into the warmth on her lap, sinking her hands into silky fur.

The soft ball of fur responds by licking her all over. Rowan's eyes pop open as she comes snout to snout with an over eager apricot pug mix.

"Ladybug!" Rowan enthuses, "Oh Ladybug, I never thought I'd see you again!" The pup rolls over, tongue lolling out as she strokes over her soft pink belly.

"Ladybug?" A girl snorts. "I think you must be confused. That's Snarf."

"Snarf? ...really?" Rowan wrinkles her nose as she plays with Snarf's ears. "Such a silly name for a pretty pug pup."

Snarf twitches her leg as she receives copious scritches behind her collar.

"When I was seven, I found a litter of puppies. Ladybug was my favorite. I wanted to keep her but someone offered us ten sols for her. We couldn't afford to turn it down." Rowan's eyes never leave Snarf's.

The girl wrings her hands shyly. "My father bought her for me. A few years after my Mom left. I still remember all of the puppies, even the one that was too big to-."

"-be from the same litter!" Rowan blinks at the other woman. "That was you?"

Her brain tries to connect the dots. She recalls a curly haired girl in a flowing green gown three sizes too large and reconciles it with the gorgeous woman standing before her.

"Oh, I remember now. He let you pick, and you chose the tiniest, snaggliest one with an underbite and bulging eyes. The best pick in the entire village," Rowan shakes with laughter.

"I'd say she remembers you too. Aren't you just the sweetest pair. You know, Snarf doesn't like very many people," She chuckles. "My father tried to talk me out of adopting her and into buying a more 'regal' looking dog. He couldn't sway me."

"Can't say I blame you. She is the very best." Rowan coos. Snarf's tail thumps happily as she gazes at the forager. One eye ever so slightly off-kilter.

Rowan's breathing hitches, "Wait, you're the girl from the market, Briar right?." She wheezes, sitting up straighter. "No disguises today?"

"You recognize me?" Briar's nose scrunches as she takes a step backward. "How? I thought our illusions were rather convincing."

"Your illusions were good. Don't worry. Magic just doesn't work on me. Not much anyway."

Rowan studies the other girl without the illusions getting in the way. Regal, calm and collected as with all nobility but with a confidence that leaves her breathless. Gorgeous brown eyes seem to laugh at her, plump lips curling upward under the forager's attention.

A simple, green dress, tied at the waist with a ribbon. Intricate, colorful tattoos peek between the lace on her upper back. Vines curl elegantly around narrow shoulders, edges visible near the swell of her chest, disappearing and reappearing at her wrists. How tempting it might be to chart those paths hidden by her dress.

The girl's cheeks grow pink as if she can feel Rowan's gaze. Her mouth twists into a pout. "I only recognized you from your clothes. It's hard to tell for sure with your hood on though. You don't have to wear it around me if you don't want to."

"I um, feel safer wearing it for now. We're too close to the castle." Rowan doesn't add that she's way too nervous. Her face took a beating this week, and she doesn't want the girl to see her like that.

Briar's blush deepens.

"Speaking of safety. It's not uh, strictly safe for you to be out here. Not this close to the Old Salt Road. The magic's unstable. I had some trouble with it myself last night."

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