Chapter Eighteen - Election Night Results

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Oakley stood inside the main house while she watched Kayce and Ryan stare down the reporters as they left the property. They had come for the election results, but neither Dutton man running was here. After the last car pulled out, Kayce turned around and walked back inside the house.

"I see why it was tempting to Rip," Kayce barked as he shut the door, and when Oakley looked at him confused, he elaborated. "With the river." 

"Kayce!" Oakley hissed at him.

"I'm kidding," Kayce shrugged.

"No, you're not," Oakley rolled her eyes.

"No, I'm not," Kayce smirked.

Oakley glanced at the clock on the wall.

"We'll know here in a few hours," She sighed. "It's the waiting that gets me."

"Tell me more about your nightmares," Kayce walked over to her. "When did they start?"

"At the hospital," Oakley sighed. "I think...I think they're more memories than a nightmare, but they're horrible."

"What are they of?"

Oakley knew that would be a question. She closed her eyes as she swallowed, wishing now she could take it back.

"The accident," Oakley whispered.

"Oaks," Kayce pulled her into his arms.

"I-I know why they're happening," Oakley said into Kayce's shoulder. "it's my memory, so it's only what I remember. They come in pieces...but there's always the smashed car, the burning smell and the..."

"The what?" Kayce asked.

Oakley leaned back and looked up at him.

"Screaming," Oakley felt tears in the corners of her eyes. "It's her screaming...Monica."


"A-And I can't get to her, I can't see her," Oakley cried. "But I hear her...she's in s-so m-much pain and I can't do anything ab-bout it."

Kayce didn't say anything but hugged Oakley tight against him, his fingers running through her hair as he pressed his lips against her temple. Oakley cried softly in his arms, the simple act of coming clean to Kayce about them powerful enough to ease some of the weight off her chest.

"Wake me next time," Kayce sighed. "I may not know what to do to help, but you don't have to sit there in silence alone."

"I'm sorry," Oakley sniffed.

Kayce pulled her head back and looked into her eyes.

"Don't be," He kissed her sweetly. "But don't ever not tell me if something is bothering you like this again."

"I just wanted to take care of you," Oakley sighed. "After what I've put you threw."

"I'm not good if you ain't," Kayce wiped under Oakley's eyes. "Come on, let's go relieve Lloyd."

Oakley grabbed Kayce's hand and walked over to the back door. They had left Tate with Lloyd so he wouldn't be involved if something happened. As they were walking back down to the cabin, Oakley saw a flash from the trees off to the side.

"Hey!" Kayce called out, stepping in front of Oakley.

"Commissioner Dutton...would you comment on the Governor's race and whether or not you voted for your father or your brother?" A loan male reporter walked out.

"Get off my property," Kayce snapped.

"I will," The man nodded. "But sir, would you like to comment?"

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