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We heard gun shots 'the duck' i said and I saw people getting shot infront of me.
'FUCK NAH IM OUT' I screamed out of reaction and ran away from the group.

I did not know what to do I was terrified..
I wanted to stop running but the shots were coming closer and I ran as fast as my legs could take me.

Fuck where is everyone.. shit. I fucked it up again.
Ugh! I'm such a stupid bitch.
After an hour of running I gave up and started to see black spots so I went to sit down.

There must be other games bc there are other face cards.
I stood up and went to look for other face cards games.

after a half hour of looking I saw my group.
'GUYS OMG YOU ARE OKAY' and I flew in kuina her arms.
'Thank god you are too!' Kuina said happy.
I looked around 'where are lisoo and chishiya' I asked them.
'We lost them' arisu said.

'Ohw' how sad as I felt I grabbed one of the bracelets on the table and put it on.
'Wait 6 people right?' I said and started counting '1 Usagi 2 arisu 3 kuina 4 Tata 5 me.. where is the 6th?' I asked them.
'We don't know' arisu replied

'Right here darling' a trusted voice said.
I turned around and saw niragi standing there with his arm in the air showing the bracelet.
'N-niragi?' He smiled and I ran up to him.

I hugged him 'I hate you so much.' I cried 'I love you too' everyone looked confused and kuina came up to me and grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away from him.
'How did you survive? Are you some kind of robot? A clown' she said while pushing me behind her.
'No I just survived. Idk how.' He replied

Okay so season 2 is comming! Buttt it's gonna take longer then I tought!
I'm gonna write forward! And I promis to upload soon!

It's just I have school again and it's so hard now because we are already going to make our ways towards the exams, and I also have to keep my band up so it's a lot of work!

If you miss my books you could also read: 00:00 (Sam and Colby ff)
Or: baby said (Victoria de angelis ff)

I'm sorry babies❤️💋

Fall For Me (Niragi x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt