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'so they were the ones spying on us?' niragi asked ann while pulling me closer to him.
i knew why bc that boy was staring at me.
when he was done talking to ann he gave me a kiss on my head and that boy stopped staring.
so were they dating? i will find out. they gave me a weird vibe and i didnt like their energy somehow.

hatter came in and did the same introduction as he did with us.
mira stood there next to me. she was always very flirty with me.
but we were bestfriends so it was funny.
she winked at me and i winked back. 'we just want awnsers' that boy said.
i started laughing. i never found awnsers here i tought.
hatter looked mad at me. 'shut up alessia.' he said in my ear so no one only me could hear it.
and niragi pulled me into a hug. he was a bit to overprotective but i liked it.

he never officially asked me to be his girlfriend yet. but i felt like we already are a thing.
i pulled him down bc he is TALL ASF. and i whisperd in his ear 'are we officially a thing?' he smirked and whisperd back 'only if you want to.' i became red and nodded. 'arlight now youre mine and you are never gonna get rid of me.' the way i almost fainted.
i kept strong.

sorry for the short episode here! i dont have much time to write today!
i will try writing more tmrw! im getting my electric guitar tmrww!! im so exited! my bsf is getting one too!
we started a band we only need a vocal and a drummer! i already do guitar and vocal but we need a second vocal!
imma spare telling yall this! i will show you guys a picture of me with my guitar tmrw! so its kinda a face rev too!
vote if you liked it!! <3

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