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"I have only one regret and that is not proposing to you before I left." -Lord Ripley to Miss Atherton on the occasion of their marriage.

Much to Bridget's dismay, Ripley had urgent business in Derbyshire shortly after their engagement announcement to the family that kept him away longer than they both would have liked. The morning of their wedding was upon them, making it unlikely that Bridget would see him until they were standing at the church altar in their formal attire.

Bridget supposed that was for the best. Bridget was a bundle of nerves this morning - only heightened by the incessant ranting that Lady Charvil was making over the final details for the wedding. As Bridget listened to her aunt bark instructions to the servants over breakfast, Bridget cast a pitying glance at Helen. Already promising to be larger and ten times more elaborate, Helen's wedding would undoubtedly cast Lady Charvil in the role of an unreasonable tyrant. Helen was going to have her hands full trying to reign in her mother's numerous demands and keep the household staff on good terms.

Suddenly feeling overwhelmed for the day that lay ahead, Bridget tried to tune out the rest of her aunt's complaints and redirected her attention to the untouched plate of food that rested in front of her. She did not much feel like eating, but she also did not wish to swoon at her own wedding because she was dizzy with hunger. Bridget forced herself to eat a couple of bites of poached eggs paired with exceedingly dry toast and washed it all down with a warm cup of tea without tasting any of it. Henry noticed Bridget's lack of appetite and gleefully stole the sweet cross bun that had been placed on Bridget's bread plate.

At least someone had an appetite, Bridget thought wryly. She had a petite white satin dress that had to be squeezed into. Bridget poked at her breakfast while the rest of the family ate their normal share of food oblivious to the blushing bride.

After breakfast, Bridget trudged up the stairs at a leisurely pace. Her legs felt heavy and lethargic from standing too long the day prior during her gown fitting. Still, she did not mind the extra effort. It felt good to walk around. She certainly did not have time this morning to go for a morning ride or take a walk through Hyde Park. Her aunt had taken the liberty of making Bridget a schedule of how the day would run. Every minute leading up to the ceremony was accounted for. Bridget sighed as she pushed open her bedchamber doors gasping in both alarm and surprise.

Her room was a stranger to her. Every sort of female frippery imaginable was laid out in her bed chamber on couches, tables, and chairs. Boxes of toiletries were stacked high off the floor. Candles of all shapes, sizes, and colors filled every vacant top space. Hundreds of beautiful perfume bottles glittered in the refracted sunlight. Bridget rubbed her eyes in disbelief. It was like she had just stepped into her own personalized boutique. The sound of hurried footsteps echoed in the hallway. Bridget turned halfway to see her mother, Lady Charvil and Helen grinning at her as they rushed to her side.

"What do you think?" Helen asked breathlessly, gesturing toward Bridget's room.

Bridget cast another wary glance at her foreign room, noting with some embarrassment numerous hangers of lace and satin - clothing which could best be described as French lingerie, hanging in the corner.

"An early wedding present," Lady Charvil chimed in gleefully over Bridget's shoulder.

Lady Norbury approached Bridget's side and patted her arm. "Knowing that we did not have enough time to properly shop for your wedding trousseau, your aunt and Helen arranged for the shops to bring all their goods here."

Helen clapped her hands in delight. "I just knew this would be the perfect surprise. Mom, take note as I would not be upset if you did the same for my wedding preparations!"

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