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"Do not consider yourself truly kissed until you are incapable of rational thought for several days following it."-Baroness Cudley advising a group of young impressionable debutantes on how they might be able to recognize true love.

"I love him, I love him, I LOVE HIM!"

"You love. . .who?" Bridget asked with a raised brow.

"Lord Hamilton!" Helen replied excitedly, twirling about the room.

Bridget rushed over to hug her cousin. "I am so happy for you!"

"Oh, Bridget - I feel as though I have wings. I daresay, if given the chance, at this moment I could fly high above the clouds and fog with the angels in heaven itself," Helen said, accepting Bridget's warm embrace before dancing away again.

Bridget laughed merrily, her body shaking with mirth. Helen's good mood was quite infectious. "Oh dearest. This is such wonderful news. But when did all this happen? Does he return your regard?"

Helen stopped swishing her skirts about the room. Her eyes widened uncharacteristically with feeling. "Yes, yes, YES!!!"

Bridget chuckled at her cousin's enthusiasm, "I was not aware that you and Hamilton had formed an attachment for one another."

"How could you? It came about so quickly, I can scarcely believe it myself. Besides, I have observed as of late that your attentions have been quite occupied between the likes of Lord George and Lord Ripley," she replied with a wink.

Bridget blushed. "I suppose that I must own to being a bit self-absorbed these days. Forgive me if I have neglected you."

Helen patted her cousin's arm reassuringly. "There is nothing to forgive - especially when I have not been much good for company either," she said dancing once again about the room with her arms extended as though she were in the arms of an invisible partner. "Actually, it is you I have to thank for Lord Hamilton and I becoming better acquainted."

"Me?" Bridget asked with surprise. "I fail to see how."

"Don't you?" Helen replied with assessing eyes. " Since your arrival to London, you and I have been going hither and thither. And on most occasions, Henry, Lord George, Lord Hamilton and on special days Lord Ripley accompanies us. Now that I think of it, it seems quite natural that he and I developed an attachment."

"And clearly, you have captivated the attentions of Lord George and Lord Ripley," Helen added off-handedly.

Bridget shook her head in protest, not wishing to admit that Helen's observation was true. "Do not be so foolish. I cannot imagine any gentleman able to resist your charms."

"Dearest," Helen interjected with thinly veiled patience. "Do not be so modest. We all have our developed talents and personalities - and mine are best suited for the likes of Lord Hamilton."

Bridget stood silent for a moment, considering her cousin's words carefully. Lord Hamilton and Helen were by all accounts a very good match. Lord Hamilton was extremely clever and diplomatic whilst Helen was savvy to the ways of the privileged lifestyle in which they lived.

Finally, Bridget asked, "Have the words been spoken?"

Helen's cheeks altered from petal pink to a red rose.


Helen sighed dreamily. "Last night. In the gardens."

Bridget nodded in appreciation. "How very romantic."

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