Fade to Christmas Party

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Two hours later the pair made their way to their grandmothers house a short walk down the street. Naruto had enough Dutch courage to be convinced to change into a very thin, long sleeve black top that was semi-see through in the right light, along with his smart black trousers and matching shoes. Nagato had styled his cousins hair in the fun, wild way he liked while Nagato had his long hair natural and straight, currently tucked behind one ear.

His piercings shone in the moonlight as they walked, and they both shivered a bit due to the frosty weather.

When they got inside, they both sought out the nearest drinks table before Nagato's mother found them. "Boys!" She hissed.

Both looked at her, knowing they'd been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. "Nagato I told you to make sure you dress appropriately, and look at you!" Her face was red.

"It's fine." Nagato said and waved his hand to dismiss her.

Her face got redder. "How do you expect to find a partner when you parade around like this?! It's embarrassing Nagato." Naruto could only watch on as his cousin received another bashing for his behaviour.

"Aunty, just take it easy on him okay?" It's why Naruto and Nagato got on so well, they both knew what it was like to be told they had to act, dress of behave a certain way.

"Naruto I-..." she took a deep breath. "Just don't embarrass me anymore than you have, Nagato." She gave him one last warning look, and then one to Naruto, before leaving.

Naruto turned to his cousin who shrugged. "Come on lets drink." He said with a smile, but Naruto could tell his mothers words hurt him.

They both had a few more before they started saying hello to the people at the party they knew and got on well with. Occasionally someone came along to introduce themself, or a family member would scold them for being too loud.

Thirty minutes in, and Naruto felt the air shift. He turned behind him to see the main Uchiha family walk in. Immediately his grandmother treated Mikoto, a long time friend before saying her hellos to her children.

Sasuke and Itachi. Naruto might have been Sasuke's age, but the Uchiha brothers had their life firmly together unlike him. They had both graduated the best Universities, gotten amazing jobs in their respective fields, and everyone at the party wanted to be, or be with, them. Sasuke caught him looking at he quickly turned back around.

But, what he found ahead wasn't much better. At the drinks table a few metres away he spotted Sakura Harano. "Fucking bitch how dare she come here!" Nagato seethed next to me.

"Don't." I grabbed his wrist tightly. Sakura and I had briefly dated, she was a Beta and I had always presented as an Alpha, which is what I worked so hard for. I dated her because I thought she was beautiful, with jade green eyes, and blossom pink hair she was stunning to look at. But, that's where the compliments stopped.

"If she tries to come over here I'm putting her in her place." Nagato's eyes were fired up as he stared her down. Finally, he presented as an Alpha, the aura he was putting off was intimidating especially for me, but I couldn't let that show.

"Knock it off!" I hissed. A normal Omega would have cowered, but I'd trained myself to push back an Alpha's aura in order to pass as anything other than what I was and for my own survival.

Nagato paused, and looked away from the woman. His shift in aura hadn't gone unnoticed by others in the room, and he could see he had peaked women's and men's attention alike nearby. Naruto couldn't resist a look around, subtly looking for the Uchiha's again, but he couldn't see them.

The two left the group they were with to get some air. "God I hate her." Nagato said, pulling out cigarettes from his pocket.

"How do you think I feel. Why would she come?" I ask scrunching my face in confusion.

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