Chapter 02 | Plotting the Plan

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"And that's how we get the answer one zero four, " the teacher  scribbled on the board and informed the students who were busy writing the maths problem the teacher had just solved. You and Katana were sitting over at the last bench, discussing something rather important. No,it wasn't a maths problem. No, you weren't  gossiping about  the maths teachers either . On the contrary it was the recent spiciest thing that had occurred in your life : Hiroshi Yamato and Katana's matchmaking.  

"Okay, so got it? You are going to drop in front of him as many times as possible and try to catch his attention. If people see someone quite often , they are likely to develop a crush on them " you whispered scribbling at the back page of your maths book while the two of you ducked a little lower in your seats to avoid the teacher's gaze. 

"But that happens a lot Y/n! " Katana rebutted ,furrowing her brows. She couldn't even believe you were suggesting this "Almost all girls do that. Don't you think he'll find that irritating? " The blonde girl remarked 

You hummed scratching your head "Oh yeah, " you mumbled in realisation "You've got a point there." You sighed but then again pulled your suggestions " You can try sending him anonymous letters maybe? Put it in his drawer or sports locker? "

" Hell no! " Katana immediately dismissed the idea, gagging in disgust " That will look creepy as heck , [Name]! Not to mention how cringy it would be to write something cheezy! " 

You sighed in defeat " Yeah that's another point... "

" Dumbass " Katana huffed, scrunching her nose like a witch. So far you hadn't suggested a single sensible and unique pragmatic idea. All of them were clichés. Fucking clichés. And she loathed them with burning hatred ."I gave you my phone so you could write all this cringy shit? " she gritted , glaring at you like a gorilla about to pounce and fling it's prey across the Atlantic Ocean. She was definitely exasperated. 

"Shut up! " you muttered, jabbing her with your elbow in the arm "That's not all idiot! I've more things planned! " you defended, assuring you still have other tips written in the book. 

"Excuse me but all of your ideas until now were even stingier than trash" she mocked, jabbing at you back as revenge. 

Oh the audacity to insult your efforts!Can't she be grateful you were at least helping?

"Oh my ideas are trash? My ideas?! Then... then your ideas are..." you halted for a couple of seconds contemplating your retort and then finally rebutted back "Then your ideas are trashier. "

Katana immediately scoffed and slapped a hand on her mouth" As expected. Told you your vocabulary was basically non-existent. No wonder you suck at creative writing " she remarked "Oh gosh. You're so stupid you can't even roast properly "

You blinked a couple of times as she continued to giggle and another frown morphed over your face  realising she was spilling salt on the fresh wound. You spanked her hard on the arm as revenge and she let out a loud yelp. "Ow! Y/n! What was that for! "

Over her yelp the whole class turned dead silent, everyone stopped writing dropping then pens and pencils, and slowly turned towards you and gawked at you as if you two suddenly grew a pair of demon wings and flew to hell. In response to the noise, you even found the maths teacher glaring at you quite nastily setting goosebumps across your skin. 

You gulped. Oh no. You two definitely fucked up. 

"Ehem.. " the teacher cleared his throat before proceeding to speak and you could exactly interpret what he was about to say next. Universal dialogue of every teacher " Is there a problem Miss Katana? " he asked in the coldest tone ever known to mankind and she gulped not having a single excuse lingering in her brain. All the eyes averted back to Katana who stood up from her seat. 

"Uhh well... " she fumbled breaking into cold sweats as the professor bored holes into her soul and your heart raced knowing if she goes down, you're going down with her too. 

You needed to help her. You needed to get out of the situation to save your skin! 

Ransacking your brain for an excuse, right then you spotted a mosquito sitting on Yamato's face and sucking blood.  The male immediately slapped his face in disconcert and a disgusting red spot appeared on his cheek to which the male was unaware. You scrunched your nose in disgust but then an idea finally popped up. 

"IT WAS A MOSQUITO! " you yelled out rather too loudly and again averted the attention towards yourself. Oh heck. Why is it always you to make a fool of yourself? " There was a mosquito sitting on Katana's arm and I tried to kill it, however it flew away. Sorry for the disturbance, Sir" you improvised, chuckling and scratching your head awkwardly however it did nothing to slim down the class tension. 

An awkward silence bloomed in the surrounding and you repeatedly glanced between the teacher and the floor before finally resting it on one. Wow, the floor definitely looked quite interesting today. 

"Y/n, " the teacher said, adjusting his spectacles and you brought your eyes back to the adult. " I hope you're aware this is a class , and not a garden. There was no need to smack Katana's arm that hard . " he put more emphasis on the word 'garden' and continued to scold you while you stood like a statue with your head down" Even if you saw it sit on her arm,you should've just swatted it away and not hurt Katana. The act was useless. You've disturbed the environment of the class with your childishness" he closed his book and opened his eyes with a flash resembling a judge pronouncing a death sentence to a criminal " Detention after class! " 

Your shoulders slumped down at the decree, dejected at the announcement and then you sinked right back on the seat.  The atmosphere went back to normal in a literal millisecond as all students averted their attention back onto the books and the teacher turned to the blackboard. 

Katana smirked and bumped at your shoulder jokingly once everything was settled " That's what happens when you mess with me" she teased but you didn't reply. You silently clutched the book shakily and began solving the next problem ditching the discussion. Katana noticed your screeching silence and assumed you were upset. Feeling sympathetic, she immediately apologised " Hey , if you're upset I'm sorry. I shouldn't have screamed that hard."

You mumbled silently avoiding eye contact " It wasn't your fault. I was the one to hit you. I just got worked up."you apologised "Sorry if I hit too hard. "

" W-woah woah, you're apologising? " Katana gasped in disbelief . As far as she knew,you never verbally apologised. Well that was because you didn't need to and neither did she. You had an apology language on your own, just like her's. So she definitely knew you were acting out of it today. " Are you feeling okay? Are you sure you don't have a fever? " She pulled her hand and tried to place it on your forehead but you immediately swatted it away. 

" Stop it " you grunted , huffing and averting your attention back on the book " I'm fine." 

Katana was highly surprised at your coldness. So much, she literally lost words. This had never occurred before. She gave you a soft nod which you accepted and finally started paying attention to the class. Perhaps it was the guilt that was bothering you, Katana thought. But she couldn't help but wonder what exactly was the matter behind it all. Nevertheless, she now had to resort to some ways of cheering you up yet again. 

A/N : I'm cutting short the length of chapters by one scene per chapter or the story accordingly. Mainly because i wish to get it regularly updated and so i don't lose interest. Long chapters usually drain away most of the energy and it's even more difficult to edit. ( if content is more i become lazy and it takes weeks to get the chapter done) So i hope u guys won't be disappointed, i don't want to update once in blue moon lol. 

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