'Come on, we got one more left', he says and I hold his hand and walk out with him, 'are you going to be depriving me of you sleeping in our bed tonight', he asks and I laugh, 'only if you don't do anything stupid', I said and walk into another room, where our two and a half year old, Noah, is stood next to our eight month old son we named Theo.

'What are you doing baby', I said and it gains his attention, 'crying', he says and I smile and run my hand on his head, then kiss him, 'I think you did a great job', I said and he smiles whilst Bucky picks Theo out of his cot, 'there's some fresh milk in the fridge, let's go give it to him', Bucky says and we're following him down.

When we're in the kitchen, Grace and Becca have toast between there teeth and a bottle of orange juice in their hands, 'Ah', I warn both of them, but they race passed me, 'eat your breakfast properly please', I tell them, but they keep running to the front door, 'already eaten', they both say, 'we'll be back soon', they say and I sigh.

'Be safe out there', Bucky tells them whilst I get started on breakfast and he helps.


I sit with my coffee and smile when I see Bucky and Steve wrangle up all the animals with the kids doing their part and trying to help too, and Apollo, Emori, and Atlas being good pet's and rounding up all the sheep's.

I put my mug on the place mat when I see Rebecca's deer striding and moving closer to me, she was a cute little thing when she was just a fawn, and she grew up just as beautiful.

Bucky had gotten Rebecca the fawn when she grew attached to the Bambi movie, she loved it so much, that she'd always cry with Bambi when he lost her mother and then it'd be a whole conundrum where she'll grow attached to me for days and I love every minute of it when Bucky got jealous that she wouldn't share her love with him too.

But honestly I used to do it by purpose, 'excitedly' put the movie on until she comes in and watches it and I love her attachment to me when the fawn looses his mother, it wasn't me being mean, it was just that the day Rebecca was born, she was attached to her dad more, and even though she did have her moments with me, I'd just feel left out when Bucky and Rebecca would enjoy in whatever activity she wanted to do.

I mean they didn't leave me out by purpose, it was just that Bucky was attached to Rebecca since we named her after his sister, she died a couple days after Rebecca was born and since we wanted to commemorate her, we decided to name her after her, and we did.

But anyway, I like our mother daughter bond now, it's just the same as Rebecca's, father daughter bond with Bucky, and I love it.

'Hi beautiful', I said, then stroke her and give her a selection of berries, which she happily eats, 'Hi Y/n', I heard Evie and look up to see her with Nat and Wanda, 'Hi', I greet them with a smile and they take a seat, 'how was the café', I ask.

'Very busy', Wanda replies, 'But it's still fun', she adds and I smile, 'she's doing very good as my assistant manager', Evie says and we're laughing.

Wanda began to work with Evie a few weeks after me and Steve surprised her with a café shop and she loved it even more then her original shop, that it became her pride and joy and she did everything to make sure it was nice, perfect and very unique, which meant she mixed modern and old fashioned together that it attracted more people and it became more loved by nearly everyone who lived in and around the towns where Evie had set up shop and it was lovely.

'That's great', I said and watch Wanda smile, then we fall into conversation about their day, until Nat's son comes running over to her, she found Nate when she was scouting out for a mission and Nate crossed her path in the streets, where he was left to starve and he was just wondering around, scouring around for some food and Nat formed a bond with him since.

Bucky Barnes X Y/n: I hate you, I love youWhere stories live. Discover now