The Kaiju talks, Interruptions and an Angel

Start from the beginning

"Now, there is another thing, Azazel... would you explain your precise relationship to the Golden Wings of Demise?" Serafall asked the Leader of the Grigori with narrowed eyes, as she also glanced toward the bored looking Kaiju in Human form.

"Yes, I'm curious about that as well..." Michael said as he glanced between Azazel and (Y/N) as they were both sat at the table.

"Oh that, it's simple really, we're buddies, I'm trying to help the guy find himself a girl or maybe a few and see if we could calm him down a little bit" Azazel answered to the Leader of Heaven, smirking to himself as the others sweat-dropped yet again.

"Seriously, your playing match maker with this jerk?!" Issei said as he pointed at (Y/N), before suddenly a bolt of lightning struck the wall just behind him, barely missing his head and blowing a hole in the wall the size of a Watermelon, Issei froze in shock as the Supernaturals looked to (Y/N) the two Satans looking very worried now.

"Care to repeat that... vermin?" (Y/N) said with a growl in his voice. he had a serious look on his face, his hand was raised up with the index finger pointed toward the Red Dragon Emperor as sparks of Lightning danced along his arm, his killing intent leaking from his body and suddenly making the air heavy and hard to breath.

"Alright, let's settle down now... Rias, please control your servant" Sirzechs said to his younger sister with a serious look on his face, Rias apologised to her older brother before going to check on her pawn.

"Speaking of... Azazel, why are you so interested in providing Lord Ghidora a lover? Are you perhaps planning to give him a Fallen Angel as a bride?" Michael asked Azazel with a frown on his face, knowing that would likely bring the God Killer closer to the Grigori's side.

"Heh, well, I have been looking through the Grigori for potential candidates, though I'm not opposed to trying a Human girl" Azazel said as he rested his chin in his hand, his face thoughtful as he looked toward his companion.

"How many times must I repeat myself Azazel? No Humans could ever meet my standards, I wouldn't lower myself to have such weak creatures as my mate, let alone part of this "harem" you insist I should have" (Y/N) said in annoyance, though his annoyance wasn't as hostile as he was with others, he was simply irritated with the fact Azazel wouldn't take the hint about Humans not being to his taste.

"Then perhaps you would be interested in a Devil, Lord Ghidorah?" Serafall said hesitantly, causing everyone in the room to look at her in shock.

"You see, the Devil Council, along with us Satans wish to establish friendly ties to you, and so they wish to see if you would like to have one of the up-coming Female Devils as a mate?" the Leviathan Mao continued as she suddenly felt awkward under the stares of the other Leaders.

"WHAT?!" the younger Devil generation exclaimed, Sona wasn't too worried since the deal she made with her family was still in place, she would only marry someone who beat her in a game of Chess, so she was off the list, hopefully.

However... that same rule might not apply to the members of her Peerage, she worried they would be bartered off to assuage this Dragon and solidify a relationship with him for the Devil Faction.

Rias paled considerably at what Serafall said, imagining herself being engaged to this man who scared her and had even attacked her, this might be even worse than her engagement to Riser, she also worried for her Peerage as well.

Issei was in shock too, was this a repeat of what happened with Riser? What's worse, he wouldn't have Ddraig's power to help him, with him refusing to face the Dragon in Human form, he'd have serious trouble trying to face him with the power he has currently, since all of his power came from Ddraig!

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