Such a life like scene- oh wait, it's real

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America pov
(TW: some violence)
(art by my pumpkin crowsong on YouTube, Tumblr, and Wattpad {Rainbowstar772} )

By the time I get home I see one of the states somehow got into my extra tranks for Alaska's and she is now tranked on the living room floor, Wyoming and New York are trying to figure out how to help-
Alabama:"Now this is as strange as me and Texas's relationship, and we're step siblings-"
Texas:"Ally dear, we make Georgia throw up, I think we're far more strange"
Texas said walking over to Alabama and giving him a kiss on the forehead.
America:"Texas Alabama, what have I told you?"
Texas:" It was just a kiss on the forehead! It's not like we're making out! We know we can't do that till we're older and out of the house."
Alabama holds onto Texas's arm and nods, I try not to gag.
America:" As long as you don't breed and keep this in private, it's fine. I guess."
Alabama makes a big grin before dashing off with Texas to his room, since Texas and New Mexico are twins they share a room and are closer than ever, so she is fine with it.
New York:" Dad she might be dead-"
America:" No she's just tranked, how did this even happen?"
Wyoming:" Tennezzee did, zhe waz chazing zomeone becauze fey made fun of me and my lizp."
America:"He didn't use his handcuffs, why?"
Georgia:"Well I'll tell you why alright! This bucko thinks it was just a darling idea to go off and make a ruckus by insulting lil' Wyoming for his lisp, he put our lil' brother in tears."
Georgia said dragging in Delaware by the shirt.
Delaware:" All I said was I couldn't understand his stupid hand gestures and that he should use his words even though he has that annoying lisp."
Georgia:"THAT'S WHAT I MEAN! You are such a schmuck, a dirty western bar cup! You're the reason boys these days can't get a gal in his arms, you make us ladies feel like y'all guys are no good felons! AND I'M A LESBIAN!"
It's at this point that I see that Georgia is in one of New Mexico's short but flowy dresses along with her cowgirl boots and a hair clip in her now medium length hair.
Georgia:" I'm surprised you even have a lover, I wouldn't even dare go out with you if I wasn't into gals! You may as well be the reason I am a lesbian!"
New York:"Instead of getting bitches you scare away the bitches."
Georgia:" 1. WATCH YOUR PROFANITY! and 2. Meanwhile I'm over here getting the attention from every girl attracted to gals with just one look."
America:"Enough arguing! I'll handle this. Georgia, go put Delaware in Arizona's prison closet and New York, get out and put on some at least semi modest clothes."
Georgia did as I said as New York gives me a sassy eye roll before going off to do as I asked.
I then go off to handle Alaska, but when I was about to she uhm..... she did look kinda dead-
By that I mean that she's bleeding from the face... not in a place that'll kill her, her switchblade is through her cheek-
This was an easy fix so I went ahead and fixed it.
I then go to put her in her bed.
As I walked to her room I noticed that Mississippi is giggling in her room with her door open, that's weird- she never giggles, she's always been that 'eh whatever ' girl who loves her privacy and now she's giggling??? With the door open nonetheless?!
What has gotten into this girl?
Now that I think about it, her book sure did have a lot of romance for a sci-fi book and she's been hanging out with this jock... great mom and grandpa! Mississippi has a crush!
I smile and continue to put Alaska to bed.
Walking out I go and check on the incest ones, Alabama I resting on Texas using his phone.
America:"Alabama, the play starts tomorrow, you better get some sleep."
He nods and lets go of Texas, usually he'd kiss him goodnight but this time he just hugs him and goes to bed.
Texas looks confused.
America:"He needs extra sleep for the play tomorrow, it's going to be, heh... special..."
Texas:"Oh! Ok, I guess I'll be heading to sleep, my sister is probably asleep by now!"
Just like that, he ran off to bed.
It's late and seeing how there's a bunch of freshly cleaned dishes, I'm assuming Florida made dinner and Montana cleaned his mess.
I go off to my room and summon a carving knife and put it into a bag, using gloves so I don't get fingerprints on the knife.
I then put away the bag holding the knife and waited out the night by reading.
The next morning I hear pounding on my door.
America:"Hold on! Let me get ready!"
I smile and get ready before walking out my bedroom door.
I walk downstairs to the kitchen to see the states are eating some berries that New Jersey grew while drinking tea made from dried mint and dried rosemary that Hawaii grew and dried herself.
She's the reason we have so much tea.
Once everyone is done and has brushed their teeth I get Alaska and Wyoming who want to come watch in the car and wait for Alabama.
Once he's here in his costume I drive off to Garnet shows theater.
Once we're in, Alaska and Wyoming take a seat in the front as Alabama and I go backstage. That's when I saw my dad!
Alabama and I go up to him.
Britain:"Haha hello to you two too!"
Alabama:"Grandpa! I'm part of the play!"
Britain:"I heard! A big part apparently too!"
Alabama nods and runs off to where he's meant to be. (I was part of my school plays, how did I forget what it's called?! ;-;)
I on the other hand walk over to the props and wait through the scenes. Finally the scene I need is about to come up.
I take out the bag and put on some gloves.
Carefully, I check around to make sure the coast is clear, it's clear.
Quickly but carefully I swap the fake carving knife to the real carving knife.
I look at the camera and nod.
I got a text from my dad, he sent a video clip that has no one in frame, he also told me to walk out of view.
I run off and join Alabama who is watching from backstage.
Moldova:"Mr.Rain? You're who wanted to talk to me?"
Cevvin:"Yes. I did."
Moldova:"But why by the tree of promises?"
Cevvin:"Because I promised my wife that I'd carve her name into your chest!"
Me and Alabama watch as Moldova is stabbed.
I see Alabama run off.
Alabama:" Dad I'm going to call the police! Find grandpa!"
I nod and watch him run off.
I finally smiled the smile I was holding back this whole time as I walked over to where my dad is and saw him also smiling.
Britain:"What a show! You did good, my son."
America:"It was pretty satisfying, for some reason I liked the scream... I wish I could hear it again... on repeat.... What is wrong with me..."
My dad smiled and held my hand.
Britain:"I felt the same way when I heard one of my victims scream... It's wonderful."
I nod and walk out the door to leave the building, my dad following behind.
Once I'm out I see Alabama comforting Wyoming, Alaska has a dead cold stare....
What is she staring at? A picture of some sort-
I go over to see what she's looking at with a worried face, but right before I could see what was in the picture she put it away.
Alaska:"I don't try to see what you look at because it might be private, so what makes you think you're entitled to see what I'm looking at?"
How does she always make smartass but true points...
America:"You're right... I'm not nor will I ever be. Sorry..."
She just blinks at me.
Britain:"You aren't afraid of the murder that just happened....?"
Alaska:"Why should I? You're Canada's father, we've both seen what she does.... Uncle Ukraine also knows what goes down in the forest of which she wonders..."
America:"Have you-"
Alaska just nodded.
I guess Canada is very messy with her murders and since Alaska fears nothing but spiders, it makes sense she's unphased by murder.
Although it seems she's seen a murder before she even knew Canada.... Could this possibly have to do with the blood on the hoodie she clearly stole from her crush.

AN: Cause mama I'm in love with a criminal! And this kind of love isn't radical it's physical! Mama please don't cry, I promise not die! All those things aside, I'm living a risky life!

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