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BLAISE ZABINI felt sick. His stomach felt queasy like he ate too much at once and his heart was beating incredibly fast.

"Left you speechless, huh?" Zacharias Smith whispered with a smirk, slowly leaning back.

"Bye, Smith," Blaise replied curtly before grabbing his sweatshirt and sprinting as if the floor was lava, leaving behind a cocky-looking Smith.

Blaise swore he would never do this again, but resisting Zach was incredibly hard. He knew what he was doing was wrong, he knew he shouldn't have lied to Astoria about it, and he knew he shouldn't be whatever he was. He knew it all yet found it so hard to not.

"Zabini. Up for getting drunk and throwing up in a corner somewhere?" Malfoy asks, interrupting Blaise's self-loathing thoughts, noticing his distraught look.

"Sure," Blaise replied and followed him, giving him a weak smile.


"And then, she made me touch her shoe! Outrageous, isn't it?" Draco exclaims, downing another shot.

"Mate, I tell you, the amount of cockiness Pansy has almost parallels to her highness Rosier herself." Blaise chuckles.

"Yeah, Rosier..." Draco mutters, looking annoyed.

"Didn't you used to have a thing for her?" Blaise asked, taking a small sip from his glass.

"Who, Parkinson? No. Besides, Nott said he would crucify me if I ever showed interest in her-"

"No, I meant Rosier." Blaise clarified.

"No, where'd you get that idea?" Draco scoffs, trying to hide the redness of his skin.

"Don't even try to deny it, pal. I've seen how you look at her, exactly how Pansy looks at a mirror." Blaise retorts.

"Fine. I did. Happy?" Draco says, giving up.

"I think you mean do? Malfoy likes Rosier!" Blaise says loudly, raising his eyebrows with a sheepish smile and doing a little dancey-dance.

"Zabini, I'm gonna hurt you-" Draco says as he lunges across the table, making Blaise sprint outside the club, leaving Draco chasing after him.


pans the pans 🍳
5:36 P.M



is zabini simgle




i wanna fake date him

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Meowione ❤️
5:42 P.M

Are you here?

sup mione

How do you
ask someone out?

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