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Therapy needs us 😍

5:47 A.M

Mione ❤️ :
Is anyone awake?
I'm headed to the
library and I'd like
some company. :)

wifey <3 :
i'm upppppp
but library? pass

Mione ❤️ :
Come on. 🙄

wifey <3 :
fiiiine. let me dress up
tho incase some cute girl
decides to show up

pans the pans 🍳 :
highly doubt anyone
except Mione would be
in the library AT 6 FYVKIU

morning* in caps. i cant
be bothered to correct

Mione ❤️ :
Oh, Pansy! You're up too!
Lets all go together

Seen by wifey <3, Pans the pans 🍳, Weaslette 💃

Pans the pans 🍳 :
can't hide gins. we see u 👁️‍🗨️

Weaslette 💃 :
ugh goddamit.
still cant stop me from
going to sleep tho :)

Pans the pans 🍳 :

Me :
come backk be heeeeeere
this is when the feelin
sinks innnn i dont wanna
miss you like thisss 🕺

wifey <3 :
slayyyy. you're also
coming to the library btw.

Me :
im finna pull a ginny
and fall back asleep.
peace out 🏳️


Hermione felt better already. Breathing in the odor of all the ancient, reminiscent books, like she does everyday, does wonders to her mind. What she was bothered by though was her. Lavender Brown. Ron's ex-girlfriend. Ever possesive, ever repulsive.

"And I was like- 'that's so rude' and then he walked away! Like, the audacity, right?- Oh, Hermione," Lavender narrated in a lively way and paused abruptly when she spotted her. "You're here."

"I would agree that I'm here, yes." Hermione said, looking everywhere but at Lavender.

"Great. I'll get going." Lavender said, her tone conveying absolutely nothing.



Lavender shoved her books inside her bag and harshly tugged at it and left, leaving her friends to look at Hermione in an apologetic manner before following behind her.

"What was that all about?" Leanne asked, setting her hair behind her ears.

"Nothing. Just Lavender," Hermione says, sitting at the nearest table and opening her books.

"You mind if I leave for a few minutes? I'll go loiter in the romance section for a bit," Leanne asks, already getting up.

"Sure," Hermione absently responds, immersing in her own world already.

Leanne gets up, tucks her shirt in properly and starts walking. She had always adored libraries, something about the diversity of knowledge that exists between four walls seemed fascinating to her.

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