"Leave it to me! All of it, whatever it is!" | Chapter Seven

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"Y-Yes, your Grace!"

"Mika... how many times do I have to tell you not to refer to me with any titles..."

"I-I'm sorry, overseer!"


"Ah—I'm sorry commander!— Ah, no- sir? Ma'am?- Respectable person? I-"

"[Name], Mika. [Name]."


"....Finee...", I gave up on trying to convince the blonde.

He raised a brow.

"You can call me... overseer or commander..."

"Oh! Thank you so much, overseer!"

I nod silently.

"Ahm, so Noelle's usually— there!", he pointed at her.

"..Hm? What did you need M...EEK!", she shrieked.

"Ahem, alone...", I muttered ensuring only Mika heard.

"Ah! Sorry, commander! I'll leave you be!", the blonde ran off.

"Leave it to me! All of it, whatever it is! ...What... exactly is "it"? I didn't quite catch your request..."

"Don't worry, I don't have a request. I just wanted to spend some time with you."

Red dusted her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.

"Have I done something to earn your favor?"

"I just think you're pretty. And nice... and hardworking... you're really admirable, you know?"

"Th-thank you, your Grace! I'm honoured!"


"Y-Your Grace... I'm.. endlessly grateful that you have bestowed a vision upon me but... why geo?"


"It's... I don't choose who gets a vision and who doesn't. I also don't choose the element they get."


"If it helps, I can explain what principles I think the element of your vision depends on?"

She nodded hastily.

"See, an anemo vision is bestowed upon those who search for freedom— or atleast, that's what I assume taking the anemo vision wielders i know into consideration. Geo.. is bestowed upon those who are hardworking.. I could go on, but I think those are the only two you care about, aren't they?"

She nodded, thinking.


"Your grace, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call on me! I am a maid after all, the maid of the knights maybe but your maid, above all else!"


She nodded hastily.

I chuckled.

"Why don't you brew both of us some tea?"

"Yes, overseer! Do you take sugar? One cube, or two?"

"I don't mind. You can choose."

Noelle paled.

"Y-yes, your grace.", she ran off to brew some tea.


I turned to face Mona.

"Mona Megistus."


"What are you doing here?"

"Why else would someone go to a library? I'm here for another of my astrology books. You?"

I nod understandingly.

"To see a certain someone."


"Your grace..."

"I can't aid you."

"How'd you—"

"I'm the overseer. I know every being in teyvat like the back of my hand.", I slightly bluffed. To be fair, I do know quite a lot about everyone.


"My apologies, Mona."

"Goodbye then, your grace."

"We will meet again, Mona."

She teleported to another section in the library.


"Your highness!"

I turn to face a certain blonde.

"I've been.. looking for... You!", She panted.

"Hm? What is it you need?"

"Ehm... So.. you know about the Holy Lyre Der Himmel and... How the.. honorary knight and.. that bard... Broke it?" ("So.. you know about the Holy Lyre Of Heaven[s] and...")

I nod understandingly.

"I was... Hoping you could... Help fix it...", The deaconess requested.

"Oh... Barbara, I'm not sure I can.. but I can try if it helps?"

She nodded gleefully.


"Barbara... I'm so sorry--"

"What a shame. It appears even the 'Grand Divine Overseer' is incapable of repairing Mondstadt's prize possession."

"Who said that?!", The blonde was offended on my behalf.

"You'll find out soon enough.."

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Until you get the guts to show yourself, keep my name out your mouth."

The ominous voice could only chuckle.

"Yes, your highness.", it taunted.

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