"A Weary Mind Is A Recipe For Flavourless Food." | Chapter One

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"Think you can get away?"

No, but I haven't fulfilled my purpose yet.

"Torn to oblivion!"

She managed to strike my thigh. It hurts.. so bad...

"I see everything!", a young girl said.

I dodged their attacks.

"I will have order!"

No.... No..! I... can't let this...

"Evil conquering!"

Don't y..ou... get it..? I.. am nowhere... near evil... I just.. want to...

"I swear by my sword!"

"Nothing lasts forever."

Somehow, I managed to survive.. to dodge their attacks. But...


I gasped and started taking deep breaths.

That was one of the worst nightmares I've ever had.

It was so... it... felt real..

That pain in my thigh... It felt like I actually got struck by lightning or something...

I still feel it. Barely, but the pain is still there.

I sigh and roll my eyes.

There's no point in fretting about it now.

It's in the past.

Nothing I say or do will change it.

That's why I always thought of history as the most useless subject.

It's interesting sometimes, true.

But still useless.

What I mean is, regardless of what conclusion we come to, the past is still the past.

Get it?


Hold on... I was so focused on my nightmare... I didn't even notice my surroundings!

I'm not in my bed... hell, I'm not even in my house at all!

What the fuck?!

I'm outside. Seriously?

Hold on, if i slept outside... Did a bird shit on me?!

I can't even recognise this place.

To be fair, it reminds me a bit of..

Genshin Impact.

I giggle at this thought.

What, did I get isekaid into Genshin?

That's hilarious.

That's ridiculous.

That's impossible.

I want to get home.

I need to get home.

My mother is waiting for me.

I have to study.

I'm freezing.

I'm wasting time.

Life is short.

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