"You Flatter Me." | Special Chapter

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I groaned as I covered my ears, attempting to go back to sleep.


"Five... more minutes..."


I groaned and rubbed my eyes sleepily.


Hold on.

Is that...

The unknown fucking god?!

"I apologise for waking you, [Name]. But the tea I made you was getting cold."

"Why did you make it before I woke up?", I asked irritated.

I probably would have tried to be nicer normally but I was to tired to care at the moment.


"Well? You gonna keep me waiting on an answer?"

"I apologise for the delay in my response, dearest [Name]. I had assumed you would wake up at the same time you always do and that you'd desire for your tea and breakfast to be ready by then. I hadn't expected for you to sleep longer than the usual amount of time. This lowly servant deeply apologises for this inconvenience and hopes that one would be kind enough to excuse me.", red dusted her cheeks.

"Well don't assume.", I rolled my eyes.

"Apologies.", she said sounding emotionless but I could swear I saw her lick her lips..


"No... I'm sorry, I'm just grumpy cause I just woke up. It's fine."

"No, no! Do not apologise, dearest [Name]. You have every right to be 'grumpy'. And you definitely own the right of treating me in whatever way you desire. I am a empty hollow shell. A puppet made to serve you. If you apologise for lecturing me, how can I ever serve you rightfully?"

It is not that deep.

"If anything... I believe you should punish me. It's the only way I'll learn my lesson. The only way any of us devotees could ever be molded in the exact type of person you want. The only way for us to truly learn the value of submission."


"Ah... That isn't necessary.."

"No, it is! Please, [Name]... I insist you punish me."

Why do you want me to punish you so bad? 🤨👀

"No, I don't think that's necessary..."

"But..", she interrupted herself and sighed, "If you insist.", she looked away, dejected.

Yeah. I do insist.

"Would.. you like for me to inform you of which dishes are on your plate?"

I nod, not sparing her a second glance.

"Right. I made you pancakes... and some tea. I made the tea exactly the way you like it. Of course, that's not all. Second there's a..."

I can't help but notice how blush decorates the bridge of her nose every time I express any irritation. Does she.. like it when I'm mean to her?

"Which dish would you like to start with?"

"The pancakes and the tea. They're the only things that look decent here anyways..."

submission | sagau genshin impact (on hiatus)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat