More sex?

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As both of them were in the bathroom, naked..

Beomgyu: Come on, Omega, Let's do this one more time before our pups come out~

He said as he swept the omega's labia, he pushed two fingers inside of the omega and pressed his thumb into the omega's clit.

Beomgyu: Look into the mirror, Babe.. what do u see?

Taehyun tried to respond, he moaned.

Beomgyu: Look at yourself, so pretty.. Can you see that? * he looks down to Taehyun's front*

Taehyun also looked down. He saw nothing but his small tummy bump & Beomgyu's fingers up his labia, painfully, with cum pouring down onto his thighs..

Beomgyu: Can you see your pussy sucking my fingers, like a pacifier.. mmh~?
He whispered calmly to the omega, looking at him through the mirror.

Beomgyu: That's how our pups are gonna suck they're milk from you. * he slowly chuckled*

Then he licked the Omega's pussy, taking all of the cum with him, shoving 4 fingers into his pussy, making cum drip down from his vagina.. Beomgyu slurped, sucked and licked as much cum as he can..

Beomgyu: Now, let's open up ur folds so my dick can get inside of you..
He opened up the omega's folds and shoved his dick into him, making the omega moan loudly.

Taehyun: You're actually gon-na fu-ck m-me now?

Beomgyu: Well, do u want me too?

Taehyun: N-not no-w please.. I'm too full...

Beomgyu: Full of what?

Taehyun: Your cum....

Beomgyu: Ahh, good, good... if you're already full.* he kisses Taehyun*

Beomgyu carried Taehyun to his bedroom, and dropped the pregnant omega onto the bed.
They settled down. 

Beomgyu: Since ur full, we're definitely making twins tonight.

Taehyun was exhausted, so he didn't hear what Beomgyu said to him..

Taehyun: Alpha, my vagina hurts...

Beomgyu: Hmm? Why don't we take a shower now, maybe it'll make u feel better..

Taehyun: Promise me that u wont shove ur head into my pussy and make me cum again...

Beomgyu: I promise I wont, I'll just massage ur ass then...

Both of them scrambled into the shower and cleaned themselves up from all that cum.

Time Skip
After they showered..

Taehyun: I feel better now, thank you, Alpha..

Beomgyu: Told u a warm shower would work * he smiles*

Taehyun: Anyways, did we get anything for our pups in the mall today? Idk because I don't remember getting any...

Beomgyu: Well, we bought milk bottles and tiny shoes.. so cute..

Taehyun: Only those???

Beomgyu: Umm, I think some baby lotion and powder, it's on ur dressing table, btw...

Taehyun takes a peek on his dressing table.

Taehyun: Oh yeah..

Beomgyu: We'll have to wait to reveal the baby's gender, then we could prepare what it needs..

Taehyun: Okayy, Let's go have dinner now... I'm hungry..

Beomgyu: Oh yeah, Yeonjun hyung is cooking up rabokki for the first time..

Taehyun: Hope it turns out well..

They enter the kitchen to see Yeonjun cooking..

Taehyun: Has anyone seen Soobin hyung?

Yeonjun: Soobin? Oh, he's in his room probs..

Beomgyu: Why? Normally he'll help u out with the cooking?

Yeonjun: Idk, he got cranky just now for not cuddling me..

Beomgyu: LMAO..

After cooking dinner. They ate, cleaned and went back to their rooms..
[ This is getting kinda boring, lol ]

[ I'll end it here then, next chapter! ]

~TAEGYU~ The one with their childWhere stories live. Discover now