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- - severe abuse warning ‼️ - -
(don't read this chapter if uncomfortable)

Ellie and Jessie sat on the living room couch together, unbothered by Wentworth and Vanessa and engrossed in a video game. The one time the two could ever bond in a good way.

Suddenly, the door coming from the basement flung open, Lucas and Kyle filing in while arguing loudly.

"Ellie!" Lucas complained, running up to her. Ellie groaned and set down the game controller, causing Jessie to throw his arms up.

"What the hell?! You're ruining our game, GO AWAY," Jessie yelled.

"Shut up, Jessie, you're making it worse," Ellie scolded. Jessie rolled his eyes and sunk into the couch, throwing some popcorn in his mouth. "What, Luke?"

"Kyle took my favorite toy without asking!" Lucas complained, pointing at his younger brother.

"Jesus CHRIIIIST," Jessie complained.

"No I didn't!" Kyle argued.

"Yes the fuck you did! It's in your hand!" Lucas yelled, Ellie pinching his arm for cursing.

"Lucas don't curse!"


"Nuh uh, I didn't take it, you left it laying around, so I thought it was okay to play with it!" Kyle argued, huffing and trying not to throw a tantrum.

"Hey, okay okay, calm down you two. Fighting clearly isn't getting you anywhere. So stop," Ellie said.

"Yeah. Find a way to fuckin' settle it already and get out of our faces," Jessie scolded.

"Don't listen to your brother. He's a douche," Ellie whispered.

"You know who else is a douche? KYLE!"






The two fought loudly, Ellie looking back at Jessie with fury in her eyes. Jessie threw his arms up in defense.

"The hell you want me to do about it?!"

"YOU caused this! Just.. shut up for a moment, dude!"

"Yeah, okay, blame everything on Jessie why don't ya. GO FOR IT."

Ellie rolled her eyes and dragged Kyle and Lucas away from each other.

"GUYS!" she screamed over their voices.

Kyle screamed loudly, starting to cry, throwing a fit. Lucas pushed Kyle and as if it were on cue, Richie walked through the front door. Ellie and Jessie looked up at him with hope.

"I could literally hear this from TWO BLOCKS AWAY," Richie yelled, slamming the door. "What the hell's going on?"

"They're fighting over a toy," Ellie sighed.

"Uh, are our parents home?"

"I don't kno—"

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" Wentworth screamed from the doorway to his room. Everyone looked up at him, Kyle and Lucas stopping their argument. Kyle started crying quieter.

"S-Sorry, uh, they had a little disagreement, it's all good now—" Richie tried to say, but Wentworth was already walking over.

"Kyle, Lucas, go!" Ellie yelped, rushing off of the couch with Jessie by her side. Richie stood in front of the family, fear screaming in his body as he stood dormant, waiting for his father to reach him.

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