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"Hmm.. I dunno, I think it'd look better on Ms. K," Richie commented, squinting at the dress Beverly tried on. Eddie kicked Richie.

"Beep beep."

"I th-think it's pretty," Bill added, a smile growing on both his and Beverly's faces.

"Thanks, Bill," she said sweetly. "So this one? Or should I try on the others?"

"Try 'em all on, like those little montages in the movies," Richie suggested. She chuckled.

"Well if you're so passionate why don't you come and try them on with me?"

The group all chuckled, and Richie sucked in a toothy breath. "Yikes, sorry miss Marsh, that's gotta be a nope from me."

"And why's that?"

"I don't want Eds getting hard, y'know?"

"Gross," said Mike.

"Beep beep.." Stanley groaned, and Eddie just shoved Richie off of the chair he was on.

"Very unkind," sighed Richie, taking his rightful seat on the floor.

"Okay, I'll try on the other two, see if I like them more."

"Got it," Bill spoke. Beverly went back to the dressing room.

"Funny how she acts like we know shit about this," Eddie chuckled.

"I know," Ben laughed. "It's the least we can do."

"Sit here and watch her dress up," Richie complained.

"She offered for you to go," Stanley pointed out, mainly as a joke.

"As if that'd be any better. Besides, my massive wang would hang out of the bottom like a third leg."

"Ew?!" Bill exclaimed.

"More like a third pinkie toe," Stanley uttered.

Richie glared at Stan jokingly and shook his head. "Stan the Man strikes again!"

"I hate that nickname."

"No you don't," Richie spoke for Stanley.

"Shut up already. I'm not arguing about this."


"Come on, Bevvie, Stan's gonna go feral if he can't leave this store," Eddie pointed out.

"Okay okay, hold on!" she chanted.

"I luh-like the one you bought," Bill said.

"Same. Just wish it wasn't so damn much," Beverly chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck.

"It's okay, you can get that money back in two days," Richie pointed out.

"Yeah," she answered. "Who's payin' for Auntie Annes?"

"I can," Bill offered.

"Food sounds great right about now," Stanley groaned.

"Good good, let's gooo," Beverly chanted, speeding up and leading the way.

"I should bring some to Eddie's mom later, she loves this place if you couldn't tell by her stomach," Richie regaled, everyone ignoring him.

Of course, good things come to an end, right as Richie flung back and hit the floor with a grunt. The Losers all turned to him on the floor, their eyes traveling to their bully.

"Well well, look who it is!" Henry chanted.

"Leave us alone," Beverly demanded.

"No can do. Richie here still owes me money." Henry glared down at Richie, who rolled his eyes, stood, and brushed off.

"Why duh-d-does he owe you money..?" Bill asked curiously.

"Nothing," Richie said, "I don't have it right now, Bowers, now fuck off."

"You know what I fucking said about the damn money," Henry growled, getting defensive and grabbing the collar of Richie's shirt, pulling him closer.

"Hey!" a man yelled. Everyone turned to the police man standing near a wall. "Do we need to solve your problems?"

"No, sir," Henry mumbled, dropping Richie, who stumbled back to his friends while keeping his eyes wide on Henry.

"Good," the officer said.

"Next time I see you, you don't have what I'm askin' for, you're gonna wish you hadn't woken up that morning," Henry threatened lowly, walking away.

"Already do that, asshole," Richie said, rolling his eyes and mocking Henry.

"Don't say that," Eddie answered.

"You okay?" Bill asked Richie.

"Yes, all good." Bill patted Richie on the back and the group continued walking.

"What- What- money was he talking about?" Eddie asked quickly, glancing up at Richie.

"Eh, nothin' to really worry 'bout, Eds."

"Yes it is, clearly it's a big deal between the two of you," defended Eddie.

"Stop," Richie said. Eddie shut up at that.

"We're heeerree!" Beverly sang to the group, hopping in line. Bill chuckled and followed, everyone joining as well.

"Ah, you're home," Maggie sighed, walking up to Richie as he entered.

"Mhm," he hummed.

"Your cousins are coming over on Saturday, I'll be out of town by Thursday though. Please take charge if your father's at work, you know Jessie can't handle it," she asked of him, causing Richie's head to nod.

"Got it, mom. Goodnight," he excused himself, walking away from the conversation and into his room with the door locked.

Richie crawled in bed and put earbuds in, listening to music and staring at the floor. For some reason, the horrendous wave of depression hit him once again and everything was dark and gloomy.

His chest was heavy, as well as his eyes (which was the only reason he wasn't crying), and he felt like shit. Would this ever go away?

He curled up into a ball and put his face in his knees after removing his glasses. Richie sniffed a bunch, hoping that'd stop the consistent flow of tears running down his red cheeks.

About two hours into the night, Richie's window opened, making him pause the music as his eyes tiredly trailed over.

"Richie?" someone whispered. The lights in Richie's room were all off as the boy lied still in bed.


"Oh.. you're awake?"


The loud noise of the floorboards in Richie's room creaking echoed through the walls, and Richie felt a dip in his bed. He watched as the mysterious person climbed over Richie and lied next to him, snuggling against him.

"Sorry," Eddie whispered, hugging Richie and let his head fall into the boy's chest. Richie rubbed Eddie's back.

"Are you okay, Eds?" Richie whispered.

"Yeah.. I just.. fought with mum."

"Hm." Richie shifted to hugging Eddie, caressing his back with a soft touch. "It's okay, Eds. I'm here."

Eddie sniffed and hugged tighter, and Richie pulled his blanket over the two of them. They both fell asleep in the matter of five to ten minutes.

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