💗Sick (Loki)

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Protective Loki X Sick Y/n

Summary: Y/n is sick and isolated herself. Loki feels bad for his friend and takes care of her throughout the day


    You sat alone in your bed, crying from the pain as you continued to cough then raised your hand up to your heated forehead. From everyone being important and having missions on the team, you didn't want to get them sick, so better thing to do than lock yourself in your room!

    The Tv played in the background while you brought your knees up to your chest and head down. The pain almost felt unbearable.

    With the combined fatigue, stomachache, and your headache it all hurt, it all was making you cry.

    "Y/n, it's Loki" You heard his calm voice say, continuing to knock on your door. You wanted to yell at him to go away, but it would hurt to much. Quickly, you wrote down on a pice of paper a quick letter then slid it under the door.

   Loki, Go Away! I'm sick, I don't want you or anyone else to be too!

    You could hear him sigh then slide down to lay against the door, "well I'm not leaving until you let me in!" He argued. You rolled your eyes then went and lay on your side of the door, truly wishing you were able to let Loki in, but you couldn't risk your best friend getting sick!

    "Please...go away" you husked through your sore throat

    "No, I'll wait for how ever long it takes Y/n" Loki argued, knowing he would get his way eventually. You sighed and got up, walking over to your bed before your knees let out and you fell down on the floor, hitting your head on your bed frame

    You let out a yelp before grabbing the front of your head and looking to see blood, "Y/N, are you okay!?" Loki screamed, starting to hit your door harder

    You groaned as you tried to stand, the room starting to seem dizzy. "I'm coming in, stay back!" The door began to shake and turned a green color before it exploded into millions of pieces and Loki gasped.

    He fell to his knees in front of you, then cupping your face in his hands, "I-I'll take care of you, don't worry"

    "Please do" you laughed through gritted teeth, seething as Loki applied pressure to the open wound. He started to coo softly while picking you up and placing you on the bed.

    Your eyelids started to feel heavy and you eventually closed them until Loki started to shake you violently, "don't die on me!?" She screamed

    "I'm it dying, I'm sleeping!" You laughed then closed your eyes again


    You woke up in your bed with a headache still, and Loki sitting on the end of your bed and watching you intently. Once Loki noticed you were awake, he apologized for staring and got up.

    "I'll leave now, you need rest aft-" He started to go towards the door before you gripped his hand and pulled him back onto the bed, "please stay, Loki" you pleaded

    He stuttered a few times before finally nodding and sitting beside you on the bed, making sure not to touch you.

    You just now noticed that you had an cold rag wrapped around your head, warm soup on the bed side, and a warm-pack on your stomach, "Loki please just lay down with me, it'd make me feel better" you told him whilst he slowly eased into the bed and wrapped his arm around the back of your head. "I'm sorry for making you get hurt, Y/n" Loki apologized

    He began to brush his fingers through your hair and started to hum softly. "Can we watch a movie?" You asked quietly through whispers

    Loki shuttered at your whisper close to
his ear then he nodded and grabbed the remote, "What movie, darling?" He asked unfazed, making you look at him.

    "Darling?" You asked Loki with your eyebrows raised in a accusing way while grabbing your soup and blowing on it

    "Platonically of course, we're best friends!" He responded immediately,  

    "wanna watch  y/f/m (Your Favorite Movie)?" Loki quickly changed the subject and turned on the movie. You let out a quick giggle and watched the movie and ate your soup, forgetting all about being sick.

    After the movie, you looked over at Loki, seeing him already looking over at you in awe, "Are you okay?" You asked

    Loki turned a bright red and turned away before nodding. "Did I do something wrong?" You questioned timidly

    "No! Not at all, I promise...it's just-"  Loki turned back to look into your eyes as his mouth hung open without any words, "never mind" He sighed

    "No, tell me Loki...remember, we promised not to keep anything from each other!" You practically begged.

   Loki let out a long sigh as be grabbed your hands and looked deep into your eyes again, everything around you seeming to disappear

    "Y/n, we've been friends for as long as I can remember, and it got even better once we got to be avengers together! But...being so close to you made me realize my feelings for you have grown, a lot," Loki said all in one breath, making you take a moment to realize what he said

     You placed one of your hands on top of Loki's heart while he still nervously held your other hand. "And I...I think I like you more than a friend" He finally blurted out

    You weren't stunned to say the least, but was still surprised he finally admitted it aloud. "LokiI-" you started but he started to cut you off again by griping onto your shoulders, "I get it, you don't like me, but that's okay!" Loki said sadly

    You shook your head before attaching your lips to his. Loki's hands fell from your shoulders and moved to one on your hip and the other on your cheek.

    You slowly separated from each other for air and slowly opening your eyes to see him smiling brightly, "I'm guessing you feel the same way then?" Loki asked and making you giggle

    He leaned it and started to kiss more passionately while moving his hands along your hips to feel your curves while you moved your hands behind his neck. Loki licked your lower lip as he slid his tongue inside of your mouth for a fight of dominance

    "Wait- I don't want to get you sick!" You said worriedly and backing away from him

     "Y/n, I could care less about getting sick right now!" Loki said loudly before tackling you down to the bed in a hug and pecking your jaw with gentle kisses

    You continued to laugh at Loki as he continued to show more and more affection towards you in such delicate ways while you were sick.


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