Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

A/N: Trigger warning. This chapter contains severe homophobia and violence. It may not be suitable for everyone.

     Luke and Kasden walked hand-in-hand pausing every now and then to look through the shop windows lining the avenue as they finished up their evening out together. They treated themselves to the 'date night' they'd discussed a few days before. That night, they'd talked about it more and decided they would have a date night at least once each month - where it was just the two of them - they would have liked to do it more often but for budget constraints. It was a time without their friends around, a time to be closer to each other and to enjoy one another's company. A time to recharge their relationship, keeping it fresh and new.

     Tonight, they'd chosen a movie followed by dinner together at a lovely Italian restaurant. Not anything fancy, simply time to be together away from home. They were walking down the street on their way home; it wasn't very far from their apartment; another way to keep the cost down.

     "What have we here, boys? Looks like we have a couple of faggots." The voice came from behind them. Luke looked over his shoulder at five guys wearing black leather, covered in tattoos, who had come up behind them; they looked like they could be dangerous. The rude comment made the couple nervous, but Kasden refused to let go of Luke's hand because of it.

     There were other people on the street, but nobody tried to intervene on the boy's behalf. Kasden was more than capable of handling himself in a fight if it was necessary as long as he wasn't outnumbered. Luke was feisty but he wasn't a very big guy; all of the men harassing the youths were bigger than Luke.

     "Just ignore them, Luke." Kasden told his boyfriend. "Let's just go." The two continued walking now but they were conscious that they were still being followed. The name-calling and insults continued for a few more minutes until Kasden turned to face the hecklers.

     "What is your problem?" He demanded. "Don't you have anything better to do than bother other people? You've had your fun; we get that you don't like us, but enough already." More people were gathering around watching the confrontation now, but still nobody had stepped up to help. Several people had taken out their phones and were recording.

     "You fags should be arrested and thrown in jail. You're disgusting." The leader of the five yelled at the two boys. "Your existence is the problem. God. Hates. Fags."

     "The only thing here that's disgusting is you harassing two people when we weren't doing anything but enjoying a night out." Kasden replied.

     A moment later the five men rushed the boys, three of them going after Kasden and the other two going after Luke. At first the two boys were able to fend off the attack but that didn't last long. One of the men grabbed Kasden's arms and managed to hold them behind his back while the other two pummeled him with their fists. Luke wasn't doing much better against the two bigger men, even if he had gotten in a good punch or two. Both of the boys were bleeding now.

     Kasden managed to stomp on the left foot of the man holding him from behind and heard a satisfying crack; he was free again. He managed to catch the leader on the jaw with a good uppercut, but they were still losing the fight. At the last second, Kasden felt something heavy slam into the back of his head, and everything began to spin. He fell on the pavement, his head feeling like it was splitting open.

     "I've called the police." A voice from somewhere in the crowd called out, "they'll be here in a minute." That was the last thing he remembered.


     A strong antiseptic smell assaulted Kasden's nostrils. 'Where am I', he thought to himself. The sudden throbbing in his head and stomach when he tried to move reminded him what had happened before he was knocked out. Given the smell and the sounds around him, he must be at the hospital. Where was Luke? Kasden hoped to God that his boyfriend was okay; he needed to know. Now.

     He groaned in pain, opening his eyes and trying to sit up. Looking around he was relieved to find Luke asleep in a chair next to the bed. At least he was all right, although there was a dark bruise covering one side of his face; Kasden expected he had many more to match that one. The sounds of his movements awakened Luke and the boy quickly moved over and gently pushed his boyfriend back down onto the bed. "You need to rest; you have two broken ribs and a concussion. The doctor will be back here in a bit to check on you. They told me that if you woke up soon, that they would probably release you to go home tonight, but they want to run a few more tests first. I'm so glad that you're awake now, I was really scared when you were knocked out."

     "What happened." Kasden asked. "I remember getting hit, and someone saying they called the police."

     "Yeah, someone in the crowd did call the police and they got there after one of those guys hit you in the head with a board. Those guys ran back the way we came from, but the police were able to catch two of them. They said we can file charges."

     The boys were talking about their options when the doctor came back into the room. He ordered some tests and said the boys could be released once the tests were done. He explained the dangerous symptoms Kasden might experience due to the concussion and told him to come back in if he started feeling any of them.

     When the tests were completed, the boys met with two of the officers who had been assigned the case once the boys were at the hospital. They asked a few questions, and then assured the boys that their attackers had all been arrested. They urged the two boys to press charges, explaining that it was important that these incidents not go unpunished. Nobody should have to experience this kind of attack and charging the assailants sent a message to others that this wouldn't be tolerated.

     The boys agreed to talk it over and consult with an attorney. They got cards from the officers who again urged them to consider charges. As soon as they were done with the police, the boys called Davy to see if he was able to come and give them a ride home.


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