Chapter 1

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In this chapter I am going to tell you how it started. So it's just like a flash back of jimin's life. Oh and forgot to tell you guys that jimins Age would be different in the story. In this chapter he is probably 10 years old. Now enjoy your reading.


A chubby little boy, who was probably 10 was getting ready for a family gathering. He was beyond happy to meet everyone . After all he haven't seen his cousins for about 3 years and now that he's getting a chance to meet them,  he wasn't going to miss it.

He was sitting on his bed with a big ass smile, that his jaw was hurting at this point but it doesn't matter,  he was too excited to think about that.

Well his cousins don't like him and even treat him as a servant but he couldn't care less. Not like he he has any friends to talk or play with. So it's better to be treated as trash rather than getting ignored by everyone.

He was lost in his (happy) thoughts when his mother called him down stairs. He nearly jumped off of his bed with excitement and ran down stairs, where he saw his mom and dad waiting for him.

Jimin: Mom!Dad! Less go I'm ready.

Mrs. Park: aigoo , my chubby little boy is looking so cute in the dress. You look like a princess my baby.

"Mommmmm, I ain't no princess, call me prince but not princess". Jimin whined.

Mr. Park chulcked at their argument and  said " Yaa both of you, get in the car or, we are going to be late"

"No appa , let's go I am soooo excited to meet everyone " jimin hopped in the car with both of his parents.

They had to travel for about 2 hours in order to reach the place.  Jimin and Mrs
Park were talking while Mr. Park was focused on the road.  After about an hour jimin fell asleep in the car.

When they reached,  they saw their parents waiting for them. Mr and Mrs. Park got out and Mr. Park was about to pick jimin up when his father came from behind. "Wait son, are you going to pick him up." He said.

"Yes dad". replied Mr. Park shortly.

"Oh well then don't,  because your son is so fat that he might break your back by his weight. Just wake him up and tell him to come. "

"Dad". Mr. Park started but had nothing to say about it, what his dad said was right and he couldn't argue.  Yes jimin was fat.

Mrs. Park who was listening all this got angry.  Angry at jimin,  angry at him for being fat and always being the reason for their insult.

She walked to the back seat and yanked jimin by his hand. He woke up and saw his eomma and smiled at her.

"Oh eomma, have we reached at grandpa's." he questioned in his sleepy but cheerful voice.

"Yes, now get out and behave yourself ." Mrs. Park spat harshly at her son and yanked him outside. 

Jimin got out and saw his grandpa and grandma.  He ran to them and was about to hug them when his grandma moved away with a visible disgust on her face and said. "Yaa stay away from me kid , you will crush me with that weight of yours. "

Jimin was really sensitive, he got hurt by her words but nevertheless brushed it off. And went inside the house with his parents behind.

He entered the house and all eyes went on him,  looking at him,  but they weren't filled with love or excitement,  but rather they were disgusted glares.

"Hey, who is this kid and who let him in " jiyoung , his uncle said.

"Uncle, it's me jimin. " jimin said clearly hurt by the treatment he was getting.

"Ooooo jimin sorry I couldn't recognize you,  you got more fat. And now you look like a sack of potatoes. " jiyoung said and everyone laughed at his statement.

Jimin just stayed quiet. He was on the verge of tears. So close to crying from all the humiliation. He wanted to tell them that he wasn't fat but he couldn't. His mother had taught him to respect his elders no matter what.

He looked back and saw his parents coming so he got aside to make room for them to enter. As they came inside they hugged everyone and greeted them. They also gave chocolates and snacks that they had bought for their kids.

All this while jimin just watched,  his parents were soo happy to see everyone after a long time and so were the others to see his parents. But no one cared about him.

After the greetings and all his parents sat with his uncles and aunts and talked about random things. He also went to his cousins who were playing in the garden.

"Hey, can I also play with you? "  jimin asked politely.

"I am sorry but we don't play with pigs."  Jack spat at him.

Oh well the tears jimin was trying to hold were coming out,  his throat fell dry as he tried to stop his tears.

"Awwww , look oppa , he is crying,  such a cry baby. " Christian laughed and others followed.

Jimin couldn't control any more,  no he can't. He went to the farthest corner of the garden where their was a old swing and sat on it , alone, crying.

He just wanted to play with them. He was excited to meet them. He also wanted some kind love from his family.  Was this too much ask for? Does he not deserve to be happy?

He was lost in his thoughts that he completely lost the track of time. He came to his sense when he heard his grandma calling every one for lunch. He took his time to go, he can't go in front of everyone like this, they will get to know he cried .

Once he thought he looked presentable enough,  he went inside and what he next heard broke his heart.

"Huh, you know that you should not let him eat this much.  He is already fat and believe me no likes him not even you." His grandma spoke.

"Mom, I know jimin is fat and he needs to loose weight but what can I do when he doesn't consider my words." Mrs. Park  replied.

"She is right Mom, the boy doesn't give a fuck to anyone , all he knows is to eat and sleep. He is too useless. " his uncle spoke.

"Even in school, he isn't good at anything,   my friend is a teacher in that school and she told me that he doesn't know a single thing.  Believe me unnie you are
Just wasting your time and money on him. " his aunt told his eomma.

Mr. Park was quite and jimin had a hope that his father would take his side and defend him.

"Hey,  why aren't you saying anything. " his grandpa looked at his father.

"What can I say dad? I know that jimin is fat and useless for a long time now. I just hope I had a better child who was atleast good for something. He says he wants to be an idol, but has he not heard his voice or saw his Dance. He will never be able to be an idol. " His father spat at once.

Jimin was crying badly by now.  He ran outside and sat by a tree in the garden and cried his heart out for half an hour but he couldn't stop sobbing and sniffing.

He was useless. His parents don't want him.  Everyone hates him.  He is fat. He shouldn't have been born. He is a disgrace to his family.

All these thoughts were going on in the mind of a 10 year old kid.  And these thoughts consumed him more and more as he grew up. 


Thanks for reading.
I would surely post the next part soon.
Please look forward to it as it is the first time I am ever writing a story.

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