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"RED!" Second screamed, racing towards the two sticks before tackling him back onto the ground in a hug. Red didn't hesitate to hug him back.

"Holy shit, thank God your safe. We were worried sick!" Green reprimanded, helping him up before hugging him as well.

"Sorry if I scared you guys." Red said softly.

"It's okay. At least your alive." Second said, bringing him back in for another hug that the others quickly joined in on.

"Dark, where the hell have you been?! You had us scared half to death!" Chosen snapped as Dark ran up to him and King.

"You guys were scared for me? Damn," Dark deadpanned. "Could've expected better."

"Better!? Dude, I was worried sick! Do you realize the danger you put yourself through?!" Chosen screamed, holding back the tears threatening to fall.

"Sorry! I was trying to keep you guys safe! I'm not some heartless monster, ya know." Dark said as he grabbed Chosen's arms.

Chosen brushed it off and hugged him anyway. "I know, Dark. I'm sorry." Dark accepted the affection and hugged him back.

"Where's Purple? What happened?!" Green asked.

"Navy grabbed Purple and kinda....escaped with him." Red answered sadly.

"Damn it," Chosen muttered. "Now what?"

"We kick his ass! He's got our friend!" Second proclaimed, pumping a fist in the air.

"You realize even with the command block staff, Chosen, and Dark, we're kinda out matched, right?" Blue noted.

"Yeah, he's got the ViraBands, and quite a bit of guards, so we're kinda screwed." Green added.

"Does that matter? All we could do is shut down whatever he's gonna use to take over the city and blow it up. Then, we rescue Purple and find a way back to the desktop." King explained.

"That might work!" Sapphire said.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go stop Navy!" Red screamed, running out of the room and out of sight as everyone followed.

"Purple is now brainwashed, Master." One of the guards said.

"Excellent. Now I can-"


Navy's sentence was interrupted by King and Yellow running into the room, followed by everyone else.

"Perfect. Now I can unleash my master plan!" Navy declared. He pressed another button, and Purple collapsed off the concrete and fell to the floor like a ragdoll.

"You said he was brainwashed!" A guard pointed an accusing finger at the other.

"Oh, did I say brainwashed? I meant comatose!" The other said sheepishly.

"Well, when's he gonna wake up?!" King asked desperately as he held the unconscious stick.

"Depends on how many memories he's forced through." Navy spoke.

"Memories?!" Green asked.

"Indeed. Whatever the guard injected him with forces him through memories he's buried in his past until he finally breaks. Once he does, he'll be mine forever!" Navy proclaimed.

King froze where he was.

"And now, ViraBands, ATTACK!" Navy shouted, raising his bracelet high in the high, sending a blast of red electricity out of the bracelet. The beam blasted through the roof and into the sky, tinting the morning blue sky a deep, dark red. The citizens below looked on in horror as Navy rose higher and higher into the air. Many screamed. Many began to run. Others stood, frozen with fear.

And Second and Yellow used the Command Block staff to climb their way to the top with him. Navy took notice and blasted the cobblestone tower, sending both sticks falling to the ground.

"Sec! Yellow! You two alright?" Dark asked, helping them up. Yellow sent a suspicious glance at Dark, but nodded in assurance.

"We have to stop him. Staff or no staff, I'm gonna kill this guy." King said. Yellow handed him the command block staff, and he flew right up to Navy, smacking him as hard as possible with the staff. Navy landed on a tall building, and sent another blade at the stick figure. King dissolved it with the staff before flying towards him. Navy spawned in another blade before attempting to slice the staff. King dissolved the blade again.

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST ADMIT DEFEAT!?" He yelled angrily.

"I won't stop fighting you until you free Purple from whatever you've put him under!" King snapped, blocking another attack.

"Why do you care so much about some dumb stick, anyway? He's a worthless piece of trash!" Navy snickered, swiping the staff out of King's hands before pinning him to a skyscraper.

"Because, unlike you, I actually love him for who he is. Just cause he can't fight, or sought comfort in people, or cried because you hurt him doesn't mean he's worthless. It means that he didn't have the love and care that he deserved! You pushed him to the point he was at when I finally met him! He was, and is, just a kid! It's not his fault you abandoned him and your wife. It's your own, so I see no point in you wanting to come back into Purple's life when he has me, and Green, and everyone else down there to love and care for him!"

Navy scowled but held his ground. "He could've just fought harder!" He reasoned.

King kicked the stick off of him before grabbing the staff. He tried spawning obsidian. to prevent Navy from getting closer, but he crashed straight through it.

A blast of fire separated the duo, and Chosen flew up, flames spawning from his hands. Second and Green flew upwards using their fishing rods before all three were shot down with a swipe of Navy's blade. Dark flew up and caught Chosen while King used the staff the protect Green and Second. Navy snatched the staff and slammed his two energy sources together. The slam cause a giant blast of dark blue electricity to blast out of the newly formed staff, adding darkness to the deep red sky. A dull purple cyclone spawned, enclosing Navy's base, and most of the city as it got bigger, in a dark cyclone.

The others watched on in horror and two words were shared between each of them.

"Well, shit."

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