Chapter 5: Holy Fuck Bro

Start from the beginning



I was finally enjoying myself, enjoying blowing up dynamite everywhere, enjoying sitting around and playing Uno, enjoying just relaxing.


It was all a fucking delusion- a reality created by a sick, twisted guy who didn't get what he wanted because he lost a Splatoon Fest or something; I DON'T KNOW!

Everyone's always out to get me and I'm in danger. My life is in danger.

I've spent too long here to suddenly lose everything- my streams, my friends, my home!

I have nothing here to calm me down though- I'm constantly clinging onto SMG4 as if he's my boyfriend or something.

How do I know I'm safe? How do I know some murderer isn't going to shoot me in the head, and I'm gonna wake up as a 7 year old school boy, with no relation to Mario and co, and everything was made up?

How do I know I'm even real? How do I know this isn't a dream? How do I know this isn't an illusion? How do I know all of my friends (tally hall reference) are real?

I'm going insane and I don't know how much longer I can live like this.


I don't know what to do anymore-

"SMG3, what do you want to do today?" asked 4, looking at me quite concerned. Why would he care, is HE real?

"I don't know... I just want to be here with you."
Apparently, I said something quite shocking, because SMG4 seemed to give me this kind of shocked look.

Now if I'm looking back on what I used to be like, I think, that wouldn't come from my mouth for sure. But who cares? What does anyone know about me?

"Why do you want to stay with me?" wondered SMG4.

"I just want to be safe, I don't know if you're real. I hope you're real."

"Awhe, I hope you're real too. But that probably doesn't help."

He was right. It doesn't help.

"How come you're speaking so much on your mind?"

"Why do you care? You probably hate me or you're gonna manipulate me." I grumbled.

I was still sat really close to him though, I don't want to move. I wanted this to last.

"SMG3, I know what One Shot Wren did, we all do. It's safe to say, after the Western Spaghetti tragedy, we're all scared. But this is real life, and we know because it always has been."

"But that might be an illusion too. I've probably been made to believe that."

"3, you're a state. Why were you so upset about the Wild West thing not being real anyway? It wasn't a very nice illusion, just a bunch of cowboys shooting each other up, and Meggy nearly shot me at one point."

"BECAUSE I WAS SAFE! I was having fun with you, I always got to be next to you and I liked that. But you hate me now, and what are the chances this isn't another setup by Wren?"

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