Chapter 5: Holy Fuck Bro

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Authors Note: SPOILERS FOR THE NEW SMG4 MOVIE! if you haven't watched it, watch it now!

i'm so happy it came out, i have the perfect way to lead on from the last chapter

as always, enjoy!


3 weeks have passed since we were knocked by One Shot Wren for that simulation.

SMG3 said his mood changes and outbursts were based on what he was going through.

He said it was because he knew Tari was having these panic attacks, saying that she "knew something was off".

Of course, the fatherly instinct that 3 weirdly has kicked in, and he got so anxious about her. Maybe because she was friends with Meggy.

I'm not saying that 3 and Tari have a bond, but maybe they should. He's already so nice to Meggy, why not to her best friend?

Speaking of Tari- she's not been taking things very well.

She's been left so traumatised, giving it her all to make that oasis for her and Meggy to escape to, rescuing everyone from that godforsaken system.

Of course, Meggy saw everything, Meggy told SMG3 and SMG3 told me!

What's weird, is that we spent more time together over that then ever. Maybe it was the way that Wren programmed us, to stick by each other's side, constantly.

How do I know all this? I was making an educated guess.

I was literally standing next to 3 when I woke up, and after Meggy told us everything, I didn't hear a moment when we were apart!

Maybe some sort of target audience was hit...

Anyway, I have this weird quote engraved into my brain; so good, you can eat 'em raw!

I'm assuming we were talking about potatoes... right?

Anyway, after the "Western Spaghetti Incident", as we're calling it, SMG3 has been scared of absolutely everything.

He always wants to stick by someone's side, no matter what, because he's scared of someone coming after him.

I told him to suck it up, because all he cared about in that delusion was dynamite, and he really wasn't affected.

He didn't even get to see Wren, he just ran away!

I don't think I should've said that though, "suck it up", because that can be kind of scarring to someone.

Well, too late!!

If it would've hurt him that bad, he wouldn't be sitting in paranoia right as I'm thinking this.

Maybe I should ask him if he wants to do something.

Also, yeah, he WON'T go outside at all because of Mario's threat. He knows somethings after him.

I spoke it out with Mario, and he said he called the whole thing off and he doesn't have the energy to scare anyone anymore.

He was affected greatly too.

But 3 still won't believe me and with his given state, why should he?

Okay, I'm saying something.

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