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I was sat in the window seat, watching the sun rise. The curtain was closed around me, cutting me off from everywhere else. Here, it was just me, the sea, and the sun, without the cold from an early British morning.

There was something mesmerising about watching the sun rise. It's like a beginning, but it happens over and over again. We can all have new beginnings. No matter how bad things get, most of the time a new day will arrive for us, and we can start over, and build our lives back up. Everything will get better over time. Everything that worries us today will one day be as insignificant as a speck of dust.

The lights spread into the sky, sending it shades of pink and blue. The colours reflected off the sea, sending it unimaginable colours that were completely unnatural, but at the same time, they were perfectly natural.

The curtain opened.
'Morning,' Ricky said, sitting on the seat with me, looking out at the sky and the sea below. 'Have a good sleep?'
'Mmm,' I said. 'I just wanted to see this though, so I woke up to sit and watch.'
'Amazing, isn't it?' Ricky said, moving to sit cross-legged on the deep seat, now facing the same way as me. He put his arm around my waist, pulling me close.
'It's beautiful. I don't think I've seen anything as breathtaking.' I said. Our cottage was right against the beach, just a small road inbetween. From upstairs, we couldn't see the road. It was as if we were staying on the beach.
'I sure have.' He said smiling. 'And it's right next to me.' And he kissed me lightly.

God, I was in love with him.

Ricky got up and went downstairs to make drinks. I stayed in the window. I picked up my phone for the first time this morning, and opened the window. I put my camera on and took a photo of the sunrise, then uploaded it straight onto Instagram. 'What's better than just a perfect sky? The perfect man to share it with' I put as the caption. I didn't care if it made people cringe, or if it was predictable. It was how I felt.

I picked up my lyrics book that was just by my side. It lived by me at the moment. I was coming up with ideas for songs for my album, so this book went everywhere with me.

'The sunrise you showed me,
Always glowed somewhere in this world,
Even if you weren't there by the sea,
To save me when I drowned.'

The lyrics flowed out of me as if it was natural. Most of them - like these - made no sense. Most of them weren't exactly happy. But given what had gone off with my family, I had a lot of unhappy things that were close to my heart. Unlike what people believed, I didn't have everything in my life. But I had learned not to care about the people who don't care about me. People like my own family. They could do what they wanted now. I was independent, and didn't need them. I had my own career, and shared Ricky's house. I had no reason to rely on him.

A few weeks after the accident, Ricky got himself a new car. It hadn't put him off driving, and he was more than happy to be able to go out again. That day, while I was off on interviews, he went to my parents house, and collected my things. I hoped my parents would get the idea that I didn't want to talk to them any more. Especially now they were living together.

Ricky has laughed at my Kaiser Chiefs merchandise. I had the Education and War bag, which came with the CD, a sticker, a tape with extra songs on, and a display cleaner. I bought it when I first fell in love with the band. The bag had served as my college bag for a while, and it was one of the only survivors.

About two months ago, my cast came off, and I finally regained my freedom. I had just been told I didn't need to go to physio any more, so I was finally free. Of course, I was really busy because of my singing, but me and Ricky had found the time to book this holiday. He wasn't performing anywhere, and neither was I.

He had surprised me by the holiday. I found out the night before, as he told me to pack my bags. It was a nice surprise. After everything, I knew a holiday would be heaven for me.

Ricky walked back into the room, carrying two cups of coffee. It was his fault that I had started to like black coffee.
'Thanks,' I said, taking a coffee off him, and he sat down next to me.

I looked outside. Some people were already out, mainly people walking their dogs on the beach. It was funny how I had gotten used to being recognised everywhere, but up here, sat in this window, I could watch people, and no one knew. No one looked up to see if there was anyone. Finally, I could be unnoticed. I was back to being just another person.

A person with an extremely amazing partner.

You Can Have It All (Roses book 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin