Chapter 92

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"What is going on in here?"

Shiro had walked into Keith's house to find Keith, Lance, Rora, and Kassy in a small cuddle pile in the middle of the floor.

"What does it look like, Shiro?" Lance asked. "Cuddle pile."

"You're having a cuddle pile?" Shiro asked. "Without me?"

"Come join us." Rora said. "It's a good day for a cuddle pile."

"Where am I supposed to go? I'm always the foundation."

"Too bad." Lance held Keith and Kassy's bodies closer to him. "I'm the foundation now."

"I wasn't aware there was a science to this." Kassy said. "I thought you just... find a spot and cuddle."

"Nuh uh. No way. It's an art you need to master." Lance replied.

"Exactly, and I mastered it." Shiro said.

"Well, you should have gotten here earlier. Cos Lancey Lance is the foundation, and these are my beautiful bricks."

"Never say that again." Rora said.

"You're quiet, Keith." Shiro said.

"I was hoping you wouldn't notice me." he replied.

At that moment, Lance's phone rang. Shiro checked it.

"Who is it?" Lance asked.

"Rachel." Shiro replied.

Lance threw the bodies off him, and grabbed the phone. "Hey, Rachel! ...I'm good, how are you? ...Good, good." There was a long pause, and Lance broke out into a grin, tearing up. "You will? Oh, Rachel, thank you. Thank you so much. We're taking you for dinner. Whatever you want. Thank you so, so much."

Lance got off the phone, and Keith looked up. "Well?"

"She's gonna do it. She's gonna be our surrogate!" he smiled through his tears. "Keith, we're gonna be parents!"


Kassy stepped out of the store and into the cold air, Shiro next to her.

"It's cold." she murmured.

"I told you to get a jacket." Shiro replied. "You didn't listen."

"It didn't go with my outfit." She replied, taking his arm. "Babe, can I borrow yours?"

"No way."

Kassy frowned. "Pretty please?"

"If your own jackets don't go with your outfits, how do you expect mine to? Anyway, then I'll be cold."

Kassy gazed at his face, keeping intense eye contact.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Trying to figure out whether heating you up enough that you'll give me your jacket is a viable option."

Shiro laughed. "How do you plan on doing that?"

She didn't smile, simply pressing a hand to his lower stomach. "I have some ideas." She murmured, her hand moving down to that point between his legs.

Shiro, meanwhile, was stunned into silence, his face flushing. "Kassy..."

"Kinda hot in a public place, huh?" she whispered. "We could get caught at any time."

Shiro gave a soft moan. "Kassy, please..."

"You want it, baby?" she whispered.

"Absolutely." he whispered back.

She hummed. "Well, too bad I'm too cold to do anything." She shrugged.

Shiro stared at her. "You are the biggest bitch I've met in my life."

He handed her his jacket, took her hand, and dragged her back to the car.


"Okay. Okay, thanks, that's wonderful." Rora put the phone down. "Axca, you feel like getting married in 2 weeks?"

Axca looked up. "Pardon?"

"Well, someone just gave up their slot, and we've been offered it. Look, it's not long, but if we pull some strings..."

Axca paused, before nodding. "Sure thing, darling. That'll be nice."

"Let's let everyone know." Rora replied, sitting on Axca's lap, and pulling out her phone.


"Elrine?" Allura asked.

"Hm?" Elrine combed back her silky hair, before turning to her.

"Look." Allura held up a tiny baby onesie. The two squealed.

"Awww!" Elrine smiled, taking it from her.

"I got it, just for the little one. He'll be so cute."

Elrine placed it against her bump. "I'm so happy. I've never been happier, and I don't think Lotor has either." She thought for a moment. "Come to think of it, I think it's the first time he's been happy, like, ever."

"Part of me does feel for the man, in spite of everything." Allura said.

"I really just want us all to be friends." Elrine sighed. "I get what he did was wrong, but..."

"To be fair, it's all forgiven on my part. It's Romelle. But I don't expect her to like him at all. And admit it, El, you can't either."

She sighed. "I know, but still."

Allura shrugged. "I don't know. It was kinda, you know, the most traumatic thing shes lived through and a heavy burden she'll carry for the rest of her life. You can't expect her to suddenly be warming up to Lotor."

"I get that." Elrine said. "But he's truly changed."

Allura nodded. "I'm only grateful to him for giving me the cutest little nephew ever."


Shiro dragged Kassy into the house, shoving her against the wall of the living room, pinning her hands above her head, and pressing his lips to hers. She made a soft mm! sound as he did so, and pulled away, laughing breathlessly.

"What did I do to you, darling?"

"You bitch. You hot, horny little bitch." he hissed, his free hand going to her inner thighs.

She laughed. "I'm the horny one?"

Then, Keith cleared his throat behind them. "Sorry to interrupt, but... Shiro, can we talk?"

"How long have you been there?" Kassy asked.

"Long enough for me to aggressively try to remove what I just saw from my memory. Anyway, can we-"

"Keith, I'm so sorry. I have a huge issue I need to take care of, blame this one here." he nudged Kassy.

"Oh, right, go sort that out, I'm going home."

"Come by later!" Shiro said, before grabbing Kassy around the waist and picking her up. She screamed.

"Shiro, what the hell?!" She laughed as they went to the bedroom.

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