Chapter 91

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"What is that woman's issue?" Hunk sighed, taking a seat. "I hate having to lecture her. She's literally almost 30 years old, and she's still acting like a teenager."

Shay looked at him. "I think you're being a little bit unfair. She said herself she tries to avoid me so she doesn't say anything she'll regret. And anyway, I did ask."

"She literally said she hates you."

"I asked her, to be fair. I didn't want her to lie to me. And, Hunk, I think you're being unfair to yourself."

"What do you mean?"

Shay sighed. "You're still grieving Maeve. I know, you insist everything is okay now. But... I can accept it. You loved her. Even if there wasn't much time for it to develop, you're still grieving what you had."

Hunk said nothing, and Shay wrapped her arms around him.

"Please tell me about her."


Maeve made her way through the lounge. It was one of the public ones: having little affiliation with the Galaxy Garrison had meant she had no access to the private ones. There were families around, screaming children, men drinking, women talking, and some movie playing.

She found a seat by the window, and gazed outside. There was a steady drumming of rain on the frosted window, and she wished for nothing more than to see the little droplets running down the window; imagining a race, commentating it in her head. She'd grown out of that behaviour by a few years, but she wished for the luxury of option now.

She rested her forehead to the cold glass, her eyes closed.

"Hey." she heard a voice, and looked up to see the yellow Paladin, looking down at her.

"What are you doing in here? Don't you have a cool sexy paladin lounge?"

"Yeah, but it's a little too quiet at the minute. Shiro's doing dad things with Kassy, Lance and Keith have run off somewhere, the Alteans are... boring, Pidge and Rora are with their family. I thought I'd come in here and be around people, if everyone is with their families. I saw you sat here, are you okay?"

Maeve nodded. "Yeah. It's raining out there. Hard."

"Is it?"

"Mmhmm. Rest your head against the window, you can hear it."

Hunk took a seat next to her, listening. "It's been so long since I heard the rain."

Maeve nodded. "I love the rain. Always have. When I was a kid, I would put on these pink sparkly rain boots, and I'd just dance for as long as it was before Kassy would yell at me to get back inside."

"You really like the rain, then?"

Maeve nodded. "I'd kill to not be trapped in here. I'd love to be out there right now."

Hunk looked at her. "Follow me." he took her hand.

"Man I don't really know is telling me to go with him. Sounds fun."

She was lead down multiple corridors, up some stairs; the two hid from a guard for a few minutes, and then they were rushing up some stairs. They lead to a darkened corridor, which lead to yet another set of stairs: rickety, old, wooden stairs.

"Jesus Christ, this place must be ancient. The Garrison is so technologically complex, what is this place?"

"Classified, apparently." Hunk pointed to a sign on the wall. "But you'd be surprised what being a Paladin of Voltron let's you get away with."

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