Chapter 2

57 14 28

P. O. V Snow

I stared at the door in front of me thinking about all the possibilities that could happen.

They wouldn't like me.

Nobody would talk to me.

I would trip and fall over someone.

I shuck my head to get ride of the thoughts that were running through my head.

"Are you gonna go in or are you gonna keep staring at the door like it's about to kill you?" Asked an irritated and husky voice.

I turned around to see who that voice belonged to and came face to chest with him I was left quite shocked.

He was wearing black boots, jeans a dark blue shirt that fitted him nicely on top he had a jacket that showed he was muscular but not to much and he was tall. She kept on looking at him. When she reached his face I small gasp escaped her he had jet black hair and piercing blue eyes. He also had a lip piercing and an eyebrow piercing!

He was hot. All he needed was a tattoo and he would be the epitome of bad boy. If he didn't had one already she tried to see if she could find any.

But a irritated groan stopped her.

Oh God I'm gonna die.

I immediately blushed.

"Hey next time be a little bit more subtible or don't do it at all" he snapped at me and opened the door and got in.

I was left standing there shocked, crab cakes he caught me staring at him. He didn't need to be an ass about it some guys like to be checked out.

I guess he is different or was on his man period.

Yeah I'm gonna go with that.

I shucked my head again I seem to be doing that a lot lately and opened the door. Finally, stepped in.

The smell of disinfectant and other cleaning products invaded my nose when I walked in. I visibly shivered from the cold air I titened my thin sweater around me now that I think about it wasn't such a good idea to wear it.

I slowly walked up to the counter were the receptionist was at. I looked around to see if he was somewhere around here I don't want to bump into crabby pants again, I didn't see him, good. I told the receptionist.

"Hello my name is Snow and I'm here for the 9:30 a.m. entertainment show for the kids"

I told the lady at the counter while I put my painting kit on the floor.

She looked it up at her computer. "Ah yes I have you here appointment at 9:30 a.m. for Echo Snow, lovely name"

"Thank you" It's not the first time someone compliments my name. My parents were fans of the sound yeah weird I know my brothers name is Offie don't ask me why cause it's still a mystery to me and well we come from a unique name family except for Dad he's name is Nicolas the only sane name. Thank God grandma and grandpa weren't nuts and named him after characters or sounds. Now that I think about I think he was named after Nicholas Sparks but without the h in it.

While I was thinking about that I didn't see someone come up to the counter.

"Hey Snow you're already here there's still 15 minutes until the show so why don't you come with me?"

I jumped a little startled when I looked to see who had told me that. I was pleased to know that it was Nurse Joy. She is a tall lady with white skin, green eyes and pink hair. Yeah the irony.

"Oh hey Nurse Joy, Picachu and Ash haven't come yet?" I asked her humorously.

She laughed. "Oh Snow that never gets old considering the amount of times I heard it from different people. The kids are gonna love ya with that humor of yours"

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