⤷ viii. looking for more.

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✧*̥˚ chapter eight: looking for more

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✧*̥˚ chapter eight: looking for more. *̥˚✧

Jamie had been outside with Madison, having just returned from a brief trip to her house, when he spotted Jennifer leaning against her dad's car. Madison, engrossed in her phone, excused herself and headed inside, but Jamie felt an inner reluctance to rejoin the gathering just yet. Social events often made him feel like he was holding his breath, surrounded by a multitude of faces and conversations. It just wasn't his thing anymore.

Despite his generally easy-going nature, Jamie struggled with the overwhelming feeling that engulfed him in such social scenarios. It was easier to drown out the noise in his games than within a crowd of unfamiliar faces at a party. He found solace in solitude, in quietness, or sometimes in the cool embrace of the outdoors, where he could breathe freely.

The situation felt awkward, standing outside alone, especially since Jennifer was also there. But Jennifer seemed at ease, and upon noticing Jamie, she greeted him, "Jamie, right? Maddie's boyfriend?" Her playful tone accompanied a pointed finger in his direction. "I'm sorry if I got it wrong. There are so many pretty faces to remember at this new school."

Jamie chuckled lightly, "It's okay, you got my name right. I'm not Maddie's boyfriend, though. We're just... friends."

Jennifer smirked, "Sure," then remembered something crucial, "Did you know our parents are old friends?"

Jamie raised his eyebrows in surprise, "They are?" The revelation caught him off guard, given that he hadn't been aware of any prior connection between the Jagielski's and his parents.

Jennifer mused, mostly to herself as she recalled old printed photographs, "Yeah, it's weird, right? I'm pretty sure your parents looked after me when I was a baby, since my mom had me while my dad was still in high school." She vividly remembered a photograph of herself as a baby in a car seat, surrounded by familiar faces, some of whom were present at the party.

Jamie chuckled, a warm smile on his face, "Glad to know I'm not the only kid whose parents were still in high school when I was born." His own birth to teenage parents was a cherished part of his identity.

Jennifer laughed heartily, "It's a lot more common than you think."

Their conversation flowed easily, and Jamie soon found himself leaning against the opposite car, enjoying the unexpected connection. Jennifer shared her reason for being outside, explaining that she needed a break after spending time with Parker, who had received a phone call and left her behind, "He's the only one there, that I could actually talk to, other than my family. So, when he got that call and left - I didn't know where else to go."

Jamie nodded in understanding, before he apologetically admitted, "That was me. I called him. My cousin and Eve got locked in a closet, so I had to call him to get them out of there." He then sighed as he continued, "It's not the first time someone got locked in that closet."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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