I feel two hands, which I assume is the human, push me back over to my stomach. Then I hear the Stormcutter speak. "You have been anxious since we got here, they will wake up soon." I hear an irritated roar come from who I can only assume is Spitfire. "It's been two days and three nights straight that they have still been asleep!" I can tell he is close to challenging the Stormcutter to a duel but he restrains himself. I hear a calm and collected voice hiss lightly beside me. "If it has been that long, that makes it more soon for them to awaken." I can tell it was the female Timberjack.

"And what if they don't wake up?" I hear the Zippleback ask in a worried voice. The dragons go silent until some more footsteps come over and I hear a voice I've been wanting to hear for a while. "They will awaken soon, if not for themself, for their stubbornness to keep us all safe." Gruff says, I hear multiple dragons chitter, laughing at the fact that he was right. Spitfire sighs and I could feel him sit next to me. Then the human speaks for the first time since they got here. "It's feeding time!"

I can feel giant footsteps and the sound of water moving before the footsteps disappear. "You all should get food, you all haven't eaten in 'two days and three nights' as Spitfire puts it." Gruff says, matter-of-factly. I head multiple dragons take off and feel Spitfire nudge me again before he takes off too. Gruff sits in front of me and then speaks. "I know your awake, Y/N." Fireworm crawl off my eyes and I open them to see Gruff. I jump up and use my claws to grab him and bring him closer to me, nuzzling his head.

"Alrigh-ow! You're gonna make me more blind by squeezing my head off!" He roars lightly while using his claw to tap my side. It's a tactic we both used to signal to each other when play fighting that the other surrendered. I lightened my grip but didn't let go. "Are you okay!? What did they do to you!? What happened!?" I ask multiple questions, worried about his and the pack's wellbeing. "Alright, slow down, let me explain." I let go of his head and sit on my haunches, he does too.

"After you had passed out, Spitfire carried you to the nest of the Bewilderbeast with the human and Cloudjumper-" I cut him off. "Who is Cloudjumper?" He looks annoyed that I cut him off, but he sighs. "The Stormcutter, the one who threw you to the Grim Gnashers after you tried to attack the human." I tail curls and my tusks extract from my lower jaw. I let out a small hiss in acknowledgement but I don't actually say anything. I then notice that most of the dragons are gone, save for the Speedstingers, who are running around on the lowest part of the Sanctuary.

"Anyways, the pack noticed that the dragons they were attacking weren't really attacking back, more like trying to push them away or stop them from attacking." So that's why the pack stopped attacking, the dragons weren't really giving them a reason to attack. "We brought you to this part of the Sanctuary and the Bewilderbeast actually acknowledged you when we flew in with you and blew some snow on your scales. Spitfire melted the snow with his fire the moment the snow touched your scales."

I chitter lightly, I didn't really take Spitfire as the protective type but he and the pack must have been worried. "You've been asleep for 2 days and 3 nights, as Spitfire said. In that time, we met so many different dragons that Valka, the human, had saved with Cloudjumper." He had introduced the human before I could ask who she was. So this is a Sanctuary, how...nice? "Also feeding time, is basically the Bewilderbeast launching hundreds of fish into the air for us to catch, it's really fun!" His tail wags slightly and he turns a yellow color.

"How can you see?" I ask with a worried growl and nuzzle his head. He nuzzles me back with a purr and responds to my question. "I can't, but my frill guides me." I'm not that confused by the answer, there were many times he used his frill to guide him to places he couldn't see. I hear multiple roars, signaling that feeding time was over and they were back. My eyes widen and I start to sway my head with my tail coiled and singer extracted and my hind-qaurters raised. Gruff immediately notices my tenseness and purrs to try and calm me.

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