um what

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"Yes u are Alexandra D'Angelo" my twin brother said

"Good because i don't care get the fuck out my why bitch"
I saw Alex with a smirk on his face

"Alexandra fucking D'Angelo get back here now
My mother said

I know am the mafia princess and ruthless but this woman give me the chills.

"Yes mama u know I love u right" I saw her face soften and I took the chance to go in the car but my big brother was there

"We need to talk now" my brother said while I was trying to find from mom

" can we talk later today plz because mom is about to kill your sister"

"Love u bro gotta go" Kayla started running to me with the gun in her hand

"Alexis we are the most ruthless people in Italy" everyone has a shock look on there face including angel more live a fucking demon

"Omg if u are all wondering is because we killed 50 people if I counted correctly in one day first I was in Russia with Nickolas he is so a bitch no offense the me and Kayla got out the hotel to being chase by some people to having uninvited guess on our plane to u guys here" I said in one breath I can't believe we are number one

" so u woke up to Nickolas in Russia are u talking the most powerful man in the world Nickolas fucking Russi" angel said

"Yes thats another why to put that entitled asshole" speaking of the devil he's calling

"Love have u landed in Italy because I miss u" I answered the phone my brothers and sister where looking at me like I have a second head

"Darling see u at the ball am kinda in a little crazy situation with family so call u later bye"

"Was that Nickolas Russi" ever one said

"Um what no yes it was he ask me to the ball"

" my whore of a brother ask u to the ball thats in 3 weeks from now

"Yep he did

"Let's go shopping" mom, Nickayla and Angela said yes

"I didn't tell him yes or no"

"Well u going with him rather u like it or not"

"No all the boys shouted including my father"

"Yes she is coming with me rather u guys like it or not Nicklaus said wait I didn't hang up oh shit

"Do u want world War four and three" Alex said

"Yes anything for this beautiful woman u both made"

"She is going with u and it's final" mom said in her dangerous voice

"U heard that right nick"

" Yes sweetheart you're coming with me"

"Bye"and this time I hang

Every girl has a smile while ever guy has a big ass angry face

"Alexandra D'Angelo" my dad said

"Not today Bye Let's go shopping girls my car Bye boys and Bring the two fucking shit to the basement


Thanks for reading follow and vote plz  I made alot of mistakes because of auto correct

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